
Friday, August 18, 2017

A guy name Greyson Chance

I've been depressed all over again just like the old me going through another dark moment of my life so I went browsing randomly to cheer myself up and somehow I came to think about Greyson Chance and start watching his YouTube videos especially live performances and interviews. 

I always love to see the way he perform, so sincere and full of passion in every live performance. His performance feel so different even when he is singing the same song. I prefer to listen to his voice with nothing else but piano melody more than his studio records. Maybe because I can feel his desire to live life to his fullest, doing what he love, looking at the positive instead of the negative and I was very attracted to his dazzling smile. I love his sweet smile a lot. I admit i started to google about him because he is good looking, not because of his talent first.

I think I know the existence of a kid name Greyson Chance around year 2011 or 2012 without realizing he got famous via paparazzi cover in year 2010 when he was only 12 years old. He came to Malaysia for the very first time in November 2011 to promote Hold On Till the Night album. Back then, I don't know who he was. I was in IPC Shopping Centre looking at the stage with his poster on it on the very same day he came but i reached a few hours later. All I did that day was staring at the poster thinking this kid is cute and might look handsome when he grew up. 
p.s. I was in college that time and Greyson Chance is only 13 or 14. So it's kinda impossible for a grown up goes fangirling over a kid right?I'm an adult 5 years older and puberty haven't hit him yet.

Few months later (2012), I went back to my hometown for internship, did my intern, got confused with what I want to do with my life, mainly regarding whether I should continue my degree in architecture or not after diploma and watching random tv channel and then I saw a familiar face on the tv but can't recall who that is. That channel was playing Greyson Chance MV 'Sunshine and City Lights'. The song and that a little bit grown up handsome face kinda get my attention and that's when I start googling about him,watching his latest videos, interviews and listening to his earlier album songs. I was obsessed with his songs and him and become elderly Enchancer. Other fans were kids and so tiny, I felt odd liking him.

His songs and lyrics back then were mostly positive and motivational. I really like waiting outside the lines. I feel like I'm always stuck in the same position, afraid of taking chances just like the way the lyrics describe. The older I grow, the more courage I lose. This song make me think about my life, not daring to take a step out of my familiar surrounding even though I feel like I'm living in hell. The unknown that might happen makes me worry things might get worse once I crossed the line. Did this song change my life? Nope. In the end I ended up continuing degree in architecture because I was too afraid to take the chance switching to another course. Little did I know I will regret with this choice.

Being stuck away from home as a student again, I always listen to his songs to feel good. I think I like him best when he was 15. Really like the songs from his Truth Be Told Part 1 EP especially live version where he perform with his band on some random streets. He was young (and is still young) yet he gives off the old dude vibe. He seems matured and childish, serious and playful, happy and pained like having a totally opposite personality going on at the same time. And he always say there's an old man living inside him answering he's 45 instead of 15. This make him old and young too?

When I start to like a celebrity, I like to know about his personality, his life and anything that seems travial because all these feel real. So, I kinda found out that he reads lots of books, all time favourite was Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix ( me too), quite good in studies, really smart, often gives wise advices, like really old school stuffs, watch old movies and listen to oldies, dare to do things he likes and admit it even if those are some really weird things that seems uncool. Knowing him makes me think it's ok to be myself, be comfortable and be true to who I really am no matter how weird I might look in the eyes of others. I used to be the kid that enjoy being myself, do whatever I think right without considering how others see me. As I grew older, I started to care about how others see me. I seek for glory. I want to be praise by others and I want to be the perfect girl in others eyes. Slowly, I start to lose myself, forgot what I really desire and forgot about my dreams. I felt lost and afraid of bad judgement from people around me.The up and down like roller coaster life make me feel sick and coming across to know Greyson Chance make me realize the importance of staying grounded.

That time being a new fan was like entering a particularly severe love bubble where I wish I can meet him real soon. That feeling might be similar to those newly together couple. I missed him twice when he was here, Malaysia. Both time he was here were before I start liking him and before I know who he is. Since he came in 2011 and 2012, I thought he might come again in 2013 and waited while listening to whatever videos of him performing and following his twitter account. Usually he only update about himself, his music, his pets and his career. He seldom post his activities with friends and family unless during some special occasion. Maybe this is a way of being protective to people dear to him especially his friends. Whenever he got tagged by his friends in group photos, fans will start guessing which girl in those photos is his girlfriend and some irrational fans even disturb those girls :/

Occasionally, he post snippet of new musics he is working on and a bit of his daily photos producing new songs and lyrics and books he is currently reading. To know about his personal life, enchancer have to wait for his Twitter Q and A session and ask whatever we wish to know. While waiting for news of his new album and next tour to Asia, he went on hiatus. Rumors start spreading about him giving up being a singer. Enchancer got panicked, keep on tweet and dm him until he responded. He posted an open letter online explaining what is going on. During his Asia tour, his voice literally change overnight. While he was still adjusting to his new voice and insist on making his own music, he got dropped out by his company, need to deal with lots of legalities to get everything sorted out. Throughout this process, he discovered new music and promised he will continue making music although he don't know when his next official album or EP will come out. And there goes my dream of meeting him vanished.
He did release a few singles for supposingly next album/ep namely Planet X. His music style changed. From his music, you can feel that life's been harsh on him and his songs sound sad. Among those songs, I like Temptation most. Other songs not really the kind of style I like but since I helplessly fall for him, I still like him although his music style changed. I also always like the fact that he refer himself as musician instead of singer or artist. He is the type of guy that will try all the different music style and discover the one he like most or suit him most instead of following the trend of pop music just to get famous. He make music sincerely because of passion and not fame. After those few singles, I stopped using twitter. Only follow his Facebook and Instagram after I got myself a new smartphone. Thus, without twitter, I hardly keep up with his news. He kinda like disappeared since he is not the social media guy. He seldom update his Insta and Facebook. If he did online, he will usually spend his time tweeting while my only source of him is his instagram and.......he's not very active there. Slowly, I got left out, not updated with his news.

In year 2016 via Insta, I found out he will be releasing his new EP Somewhere Over My Head and slightly shocked because I heard nothing about release of Planet X. That was suppose to be next album. Spontaneously, I searched his songs on his YouTube channel and found 5 new songs. None of it from his snippet and live performances that said to be release in Planet X album. Listening all his new songs and watching his new MV Back on The Wall,
I went WTF!!!
What did I missed?
Greyson drink and smoke?
What happened to the good boy that I once know?

His look did changed and I realized that (via Insta). The time I start liking him he just start growing taller from 170cm to 175cm and when he went hiatus he post new photos once a while and we can see he reached 185cm, tried a few hairstyles, start the bad boy wanna be image but I didn't expect he smokes. After listening to his songs and stalk his insta photos all over again, I came to one conclusion. He grew up and still growing up. He is 18/19 years old when SOMH is released. His new music become kinda depressing, he photos for new EP look sad. Quite a lot must have happened this few years. He always keep his personal non music related life private and he won't say what happened besides moving forward and found new music. I was worry he is not the same guy that I used to like. Thus, I stalked a bit of his recent interviews and performances. Thank God he is still the same Greyson. Still have the passion towards music, bang the piano keys beautifully, sing with all his heart and always end his performances with a satisfying smile that melt every Enchancer's heart. He is still the same guy I like just a little older, very interested in politics, a lot taller and a bit darker instead of being all positive where he used to be.
He came Malaysia last year on my birthday and a few days around 'my day' to promote his new EP. I really did wish to meet him but I was damn broke as I just started my career as insurance agent, facing lots of up and down with no money in my pocket. The sad  reality that I always do not want to admit is "I need money to make my dream come true". I was stucked feeling emo. It sucks when he was in Malaysia and I couldn't meet him because I got no money. He was soooooooooo near yet so far. All I can do was listening to hitz fm when he goes on air and clicking like on his insta photos with the famous highway runaway ostrich. Until today I'm still jealous of this ostrich Cheekaboo.

This year, he released a few singles on spotify, busy with his 2nd year university life (most fans suspected he is taking political science), welcome his 20th birthday and 'boom' us with a surprising news few weeks before his birthday. He came out as gay via Instagram after receiving a message from a brave individual. Never came across my mind he is gay. He had a few ex-girlfriends. We can confirm one because the girl's name is on the piano in his Waiting Outside The Lines MV. His previous music inspiration were stories of how some girls broke his heart. He wrote that he came to fully realized he is gay when he was 16 and did not publicize due to privacy. Reading the whole message I feel heartache. Heartache not because he is my musician crush ( I don't want to use the word celebrity or singer ) but because of the weight he carried keeping his sexuality secret and the years dealing with it living in a world with people despise gay. He grew up in a church singing gospel reading bible and his religious is against lgbt. Some people commented God create Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. I grew up having a few lesbian friends and recently make a new friend who is gay so I've got nothing against people sexuality. More on neutral, neither support not against them. But after a few hours finding out Grey is gay, I heart feels like being dumped by boyfriend and can't get over it although I said I support him no matter what. After a while, I got the feeling of still being madly in love knowing it will be unreturn love. Hahaha. I feel silly and miraculous having so many different feeling towards a guy I never met and he don't even know I exist. I wish I can know more about him. I think I'll continue to like him for a really long time and I need to work very hard and seriously now so that next time he come Malaysia, I'm financially prepare to meet him. Doesn't matter it is in Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Kota Kinabalu or Kuching. If possible and financially allow, I will go all the places (in Malaysia) he is going to do fan meeting or at least one of the location.
Damn, I think I don't like this kid. I am in love with him.
p.s. took me weeks to write all these. Didn't expect it will be this long. 

Sunday, June 19, 2016

a trace of pain (forgive my weak grammar)

It's been years and I still feel a trace of pain somewhere deep in my heart every year's fathers' day.
I know it's my problem for not letting go my past but somehow it's not as easy as others say to let it go.
they say time can cure but somehow some wounds just don't cure. The pain lessen but no cure for it.
wherever you are, happy fathers' day.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

changes in 2016

Once in a while i come back to my blog. Writing for myself, to myself and whenever I feel like I got nobody to talk to and yet I need to express my feelings and got no where to go.

This post is regarding things that happen to me in year 2016. Perhaps a few years later I can't remember all these events and will come back here to read all over again to see how I was, how I am and how I want to be in future.

Damn! It's been too long since the last time I express myself in words and now I don't know where to start. Since my main purpose is talk about what happen to me since I've become Great Eastern Life Insurance Agent, I'll start with a month before contract and until up to today :)

Nov 2015
I've got really depressed. I hated myself, I hated decisions I made and I hate the outcomes of my behaviour. I was running away from responsibilities. I also visited psychiatrist mainly because I wanted a medical report so that i can defer my semester but my main decision was actually just gave up on architecture. I can't withstand that anymore as I don't see hope in that career as it does not fit me at all. A decision was made at  ever since my 3rd degree year started. I don't want my career in architecture line. any field but not architecture. The next thing I think of was sales. I don't know what kind but I just got a feeling I'll do well in sales line. 
I happened to get 'introduced' to insurance as a career when I met a girl in May 2015 during sem break part time job. She was HLA agent. I told my mom about her inviting me to their career and told my mom I didn't want to join although I'm curious about this career. The first sentence my mom said was "not HLA. you can join but please choose a better company." Somehow i forgot about it until my mom told me that she wanted to buy medical card, prefer to buy under her own account but lazy to take examination. I told her I'll take the exam for her but need to wait during sem break. My mom took me to join GE's Super Group's activities. Introduced me to her friend/ex-officer when my mom was an agent around 20 years ago, let me get to know about their lifestyle etc. I don't have heart in it back then. Perhaps it's because I've already join Amway and more familiar into that kind of working system. My plan was simply get a full time job and start doing Amway business part time. 

Dec 2015
Lots of things happen in between. I don't know how, I end up became a full time agent without notice. I'm not good in rejecting or saying no. I just follow the flow and ended up here. Also I did not know what other jobs that I want. It is somehow sales line so it is kinda like the type I want to choose so I just give it a try. I never thought it will be this hard. The rejection by others when you are selling visible products and rejection on introducing them the importance of having insurance is so totally different. The ways to talk to people is also different. Suddenly I can feel why so many people say people buy people before buy product. I thought I can handle it well especially when it comes to friends that don't own any insurance. I was very WRONG. Those seem like ready buyer all turn me down. Where is my problem?My selling skills?my knowledge?my professionalism?or ME?the one I worried most is actually my behaviour/personalities that others dislike. If it's my personality, I need to put a hell lot of effort on it to improve. This point make me lose confidence and feel like hated by everyone. I start losing myself. All those seemingly hot prospects turned me down and I label it as my mistake and never think is it possible that I came at the wrong time.

Jan 2016
K.A.S.H. The formula of success. Knowledge, Attitude, Skills and Habit.
My A/ attitude is getting worst. I get knowledge and skills 3 days a week, Knowledge and skills kinda too overwhelm and I've got no prospects to use on. I can't find my own method and I don't want to approach relatives. I hate the feeling of relatives thinking I'm getting benefits from them. Didn't realize I was looking things in the wrong way. Habit... I've been doing some cold call (stranger market) blindly with survey forms. Walk in shop by shop, house by house (my own kampung) and bank attack (stand bank n do survey to get namelists). So January I've submitted 3 ready buyer cases. Those cases were suppose to be apply before I join insurance.

Feb 2016
Second day after walking from house to house, I've got a call. A man age 50+ called me. Told me he got my flyer and wanted to know more about medical card. I took down his details, make an appointment and went there few days later. First meeting with their family, I went there with my officer. There were 2 50+ uncle wanted to get medical card but their health condition does not allow them to buy insurance anymore. I was trying to find methods to help them while my officer approach another 2 girls sitting in the living room. Elder girl just bought her policy a month ago while my customer haven't buy yet. She's been listening the whole time because she don't own any insurance yet. After settle everything, I ended up proposing a plan to the girl and she said need time to consider. 2 days later, I met up with her family and follow up the case. Asked her whether she want RM200/month or 150/month premium. Instead she asked me about saving plans. I did a simple presentation on the only endowment plan I know and closed 2 cases at the same time, both 100+ premium. Luck's with me after getting rejected by 50 strangers. haha. The moment when someone trust you and it's from a complete stranger, the satisfaction is so different.
Before this happened, I've cried a lot. Without basic, everything commission based and no strong customer foundation and for someone sooooo unsocialize, I can't really see hope in my future and career. I don't even dare to propose to any relatives eventhough I know it won't do them any bad if they get extra protection. Well, even after getting some small little surprises, I still cried a lot. LOL
A few days, a friend of mine told me her another friend is also great eastern agent and he knows about me. Kinda surprise because I don't know who her friend is. Never heard that name before. She told me his friend know who I am because I did a case sharing on stage during night meeting. Since she gave me the 'joining' signal, I told her to come to our meeting. Fetch her from her house, bring her to meeting, brief her about our career and she told me she's prepare for exam, Next day when I asked her to give me her results and photocopy ic for exam purpose, she told me she has given all her documents to another agent, her colleague's husband!!! When she told me that, i feel like i just dropped from the sky. I went to her office the next day to talk with her and try to understand why she make this decision and her point of view but i messed up the whole thing. I can't even understand what I was talking about when I was expressing my feelings and the importance of her being part of my team. Used the word 'my agent' instead of 'business partner.' Since that incident, I haven't even meet her once. Still whatsapp one another but no more face to face conversation (for now).
I have been emo for a month because of this. The feeling of being rejected by friend is so much hurtful compare to the Nos I receive while talking about insurance with strangers. Now I really do feel like an idiot. It's her choice who she want to work with, it's not within my control. I should have do things that i can control.

Let's skip the March and April part and now we enter the " In A Relationship" status topic :D

May 2016
I went to Taman Negara trip from 9 to 11 May with my agency buddies. It's some kind of playing, learning and sharing session Super Group Agency buddies from different states in Malaysia. Had lot of fun exploring Pahang caves and hiking while making friends and sharing each other experiences. And there's where I met this Be Win girl. She look like a naughty kid. Didn't expect she was 2015 Melaka branch Top Rookie Agent and a few company trips qualifier. I only get to know her during 2nd day of our trip. I didn't realize how we get close. We just keep on tease each other and somehow feel like both of us are long lost friend. Looking at her make me think of myself back he I was still a happy go lucky girl. Probably when before I turn 13. Get affected by her positiveness and feel really energetic. I found myself in this trip. And that's when I fully accept my role as insurance agent. Right after coming back from taman negara, I announce to the world by changing my fb cover photo to my namecard. LOL. I found life all over again. She got a feeling that i'm those type that can be really crazy when I play and she thinks it's fun to put In a relationship status with me. Dear friends, it's just a joke. We are not in that kind of relationship you all think. HAHAHAHA!

June 2016
And yea, being in a relationship for less than a month I got dumped. *cry* She found a new lover, I think there is a high chance for them to really be together. hahaha. She post a few post about this guy in her fb now. Let's see what wil happen next. ;)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Was watching some drama and the character has a habit of writing dairy.
It reminds me I've abandon my blog for years.
Is it important to record daily life?
human's memory is limited and can't remember everything but is there a need to remember everything?
perhaps having a record might help one how to go through life once facing similar obstacles.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

IQ Test

this is the roughly result of the IQ test i's lower average :( only get 95 and people at my age average is 100 D:
wanna try?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

a day?

i used to be proud that i was born on father's day.
yeap.i was born on fathers' day in year 1992.
now i feel awkward being born on that day.
it makes me feel uncomfortable.
perhaps guilty.........

Monday, June 4, 2012

a blog without owner n visitors.....