
Sunday, June 27, 2010

fulfill my promise ^^

i'm here to fulfill my promise.
i've promised to post about my birthday.
here it is =)

before this let's talk about the previous birthday of my roommate on 9th June.
my another roommate make her these!
red eggs~~~
we woke up early that day to make her these.

although the eggs were not red enough but she was extremely touched and gave each of us a hug...
hooi chuen(the girl same birthday with me)think of this...
i don't really did something to make her touched.
that day after class we went out to walk walk until dinner time.
then we belanja her.

on 21st June 2010,
two girls that born on 21st June 1992 turned 18th and get these as their birthday present!
爱心早餐! <3
the name is made by bread.
the breakfast xin lin woke up 2-3hours earlier than us to make it.
i was really happy because it's the 1st time getting such sweet present on my birthday.
really very happy ^^

this one get from another friend.
we called her Sien Mei Mei since she's the youngest among us....
(sien because her name is hui sien)
well...the card is nice.
the present....i don't think i'll use....
she gave us nail polish...
if she give black i might use...

after our class,we went to kl.
took quite long to reach kl.
around 10 station from campus to reach klcc station.
we went there because Sien Mei Mei want to teach us the shortcut from klcc to reach 4 other shopping centre.
we stopped at Secret Recipe to enjoy our tea time =)
surprisingly,me and another birthday girl choose the same flavour 'tiramisu cheese' cake!
this is hers....

this is mine.erm...from these two photos,proven my capture photo skill not as good as hers =(

two birthday girl being 偷拍!

then we took some photos....=)

later,we went to Pavillion shopping centre.
walk a while then entered a restaurant(wong kok char chan teng).

*xin lin with her noodles...

*hooi chuen with her 'lai liu ha' fried rice.

this is sien mei mei.she didin't eat....
said want diet=(
nice view huh?
she choose this place.
straight away go inside then side down as if it's her house.
ME~~~~~!hugging the big 香港奶茶/hong kong teh tarik and my dinner ;)
if there is a birthday girl/boy in the group,you'll get one big hk teh tarik free.
although we got 2 birthday girl,we only get one.=(

that's all....
for more photos,go to facebook.
if can,click like<3
the album name is sweet sweet 18th birthday.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

lazzzzzy V is back...

i am getting lazzzzzzzzzzzzzier and crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzier....
when i wanted to post blog,
i was busy.
when i am free,
't remember what i want to post......

Monday, June 14, 2010


i came here....
feel like posting something
when i reach here,
i can't remember what i want to post.
just done my assignments.
complete 10 A4 size sketches of buildings in a week!
rush like hell~!
then today get another assignment.
also 10 sketches but this time A3 size!
need to think what to sketch somemore!
i'm dead meat this time.
i've got no idea... :'(

project:build a sulpture or modal
theme:1 Malaysia
material:wood,stitch and mounting board.

urgh....why must 1 Malaysia theme?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

unexpected tour....

yesterday went to 'chi chong gai'...
also known as jalan petaling a.k.a china town.
do you know why we(me and hooi chuen[the girl same birthday with me]) suddenly went there?
because we thought there will be bus taking us back to hostel at 5pm.
thus we went to library to online and do assignment due to afraid locking ourselves in extremely 'kampung' places such as the hostel...
when the clock struck 2pm,we felt kinda creepy....
the people in the library getting lesser....
usually during 12pm till 4pm,the library is full of human being onlining there....
yesterday after 2,not more than 10 people left.
we saw none of our hostel mates.
proven there won't be bus coming to fetch us.

i suggested that we should go somewhere shopping or have a walk before we go back to the hostel since we need to go kl then only we can take a bus back to puchong.
at first i suggested to go to bukit bintang since lot 10,times square,pavillion and sungai wang are there BUT it's kinda troublesome to find a bus back to puchong from that place....
we need to take lrt then komuter only we can reach the correct bus station.
we changed our mind.
called and ask xin lin(the one from terengganu)where she and her boyfriend is.
*her boyfriend purposely came down from kelantan to meet her.
pity them.
1 from terengganu another from kelantan.
1/2 year meet once....*
she told us she's in mid valley.
we planned to go there BUT not to 'kacau daun'...
just...easier for us to meet and go back together.
after waiting for the bus for around 10 minutes...i change my mind again.
i don't feel like going to mid valley again so i told her let's go to pasar seni then go chi chong gai.
we went to the lrt station and began our journey.:D
we went to pasar seni a.k.a. central market.
some of the sovenirs kinda amuse us.
i didn't have photos to show :(
my model...take picture not really nice and actually we are not allow to take pictures but my friend took some :)
besides sovenirs,we saw a few other interesting stuff but i'm kinda lazy to describe.

then we walked a few streets before we reach chi chong gai...
erm...we walk walk and see see things...
then we look for a place to sit down and online because the laptop is tooooooo heavy

we went into a kfc nearby.
their wifi connection not good.
in the end,i used my own boardband...
i saw jean mae online but status AWAY...
sent some crap but didn't reply a thing :'(
waited for a long time but still...
no reaction.
then when simone on...
this came out...


only 5 more minutes to go....
chat with simone for 5 minutes then poof!screen turn black.
i've got nothing to do there.
can't online and done eating while onlining...

my friend scared i bored so...
she offline then we walked to the popular nearby.
we called xin lin and told her when she reached contact us.
then both of us observed the magazines covers because we need to design magazine cover...
our assignment...

haiz~don't want type anymore le..
long and boring post...
1 think i don't like happened.
my sis told my mum i'm in chi chong gai!
that time was around 9pm.
mum sure worry....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

what type of guy i like....

someone asked me this yesterday...
i actually don't really know the answer since i don't really have a chance to fall in love.
i guess i like mix...
i like chinese+x as long as x is not muslims or malays =)
usually those mix more handsome or beautiful and....
i am the type of person that will get attracted to somebody's physical appearance 1st...
what physical appearance i like?
  • tall
  • darker than me
  • double eye lid
  • got a little muscle
  • got man feel....
  • look smart

you know why must got man feel?
because nowadays lots of guys VERY SISSY!


if don't look at the physical appearance will i fall in love?
i think i attracted to guys that can speak english fluently...
that day during a class i heard a chinese guy speaking english...
i got shock because the uni college i am in now reall very lame...
i thought this type of people won't enter such uni college.
he's not very handsome.
the guy i like last more handsome because he's mix.
although this guy not handsome but he look quite smart.
at least better than me ba...
before this leh i don't feel like typing stuff like this here because i don't want you all know...
feel kinda paiseh la..
but now oh,because no feel towards him,
for what want paiseh leh?
i'm just curious about this guy.

if only this place got handsome guy....
haiz~this won't happen....