
Saturday, December 4, 2010

trouble maker...

i am a trouble maker.
i cause troubles and problems to myself and people around me all the time because of my stupid idiotic attitude...
sorry friends and family because i always cause problems to you all and i never able to solve them myself.

i hate my life for being sooooooooooooooooo dramatic.
having a dramatic life is so not fun especially when it happen on someone that is stupid and don't know how to use language properly.
if i know how to use languages properly,i can print books about my dramatic life stories...

story time...
2 weeks ago,5 of the 6 newcomers came to banana house to place some of their stuff in before they officially moved in.
they came at night around 8pm with uncountable friends.
they came to clean up their rooms and play poker cards =.=lll

the banana house=old house.
so...there are lotsssssssssssssssssss of holes on the walls to allow fresh air enter?
or i think so...
modern houses rooms got no holes because of the things that i'm experiencing and will continue experience...

1)no privacy
2)extremely noisy
3)cause me shout like a mad dog

those people play cards until super duper hyper high.
the shouted like crazy people.
probably much more crazier than me.
because of the poor separate sound system by those partition with holes,their voices=super duper loud.
i kept on telling myself cool down,relax and so on for almost 2 hours.
kept on telling myself be patience,don't lose control but i failed as always.

i walked upstair.a girl from the room opened the door.

i said"can you all lower down your voice?"


right after i reached downstair their voices became louder!

i suddenly shouted"WUI~~~!"

then i lower down my voice saying to myself "you all don't have ears?!"

my friend that sat beside me got shocked because i suddenly shout.
those idiots at upstair suddenly keep quiet.

my friend"what are you doing?why you suddenly shout?vivien,don't like this la.we shouldn't make people hate us the 1st time we it's now 9.45pm.not even 10's ok to make noise although they are a little too loud."

me"sorry.i can't go up now and apologize to them.tell them your friend me is crazy."
friend"i really planned to do so."

then another friend of mine came down.

friend 2"what happened just now?who shouted?"


friend 2"good!i can't stand them too!if you didn't shout just now i think i might be the 1 shouting at them."


friend"friend 2 come with me.i want to go upstair and apologize"

friend 2"why?"

friend"because it's not good to make them angry on the 1st time we meet them."

friend 2 "ok..."

after my friends apologize telling them i am a bad tempered person,they laughed at my friends.
people like that don't worth apology from anyone!
one of their friend came and told us sorry because his friends were too noisy but i don't think he's sincere.

the next day,we asked them to come and have some sort of discussions about the agreement we want them to sign and tell them about the rules and regulations...

when they saw only light cooking allowed,the pink hotdog shouted cannot!
my friend deal with him.
told him ok lo if want to cook as long as you keep the kitchen clean.

then,when the pink hotdog saw the no pets rule he got mad again.
after some stupid moment,we found out the pink ah gua hotdog owned a hamster.
told them lots of times hamster=very smelly but the ah gua and his girlfriend insist hamsters got a few types.
some not smelly woor...
plus,the ah gua's girlfriend also want to buy a new hamster.
a pair with her pink ah gua hotdog boyfriend.
told them i allergic to pets but of course they ignore me.
who cares about a pathetic girl that shout like mad dog...
hate that pink hotdog's girlfriend too!
got the stupid lan si look,thinking herself very clever but very obvious she is a stupid jerk!
fine!we tolerate with them.
let them cook and have their stinky smelly pets.

then when they saw another rule written if bring visitors overnight,pay RM50 per person per night.
a few of them keep on begging saying RM50=too expensive.
my friend keep on explaining RM50 cannot be reduce because the main reason RM50 is to prevent you all bring too many visitors overnight.
but they are stubborn.

one of them said "put a limit to the number of visitors overnight and the frequency of visit.
e.g.once a month,3 times a month.sometimes our parents want to visit us."
(which i believe the parents part is a big fat lie.)

me"you all still kids ar!!!!!parents come once a month?!!!!"

him"sometimes our hometown friend want to come and visit and they don't have place to stay."

pink hot dog "the place we stay last time can have pets,can bring visitors without being charge.we pay for the rooms already wat...of course we can bring anyone we like and overnight la."

friend:"you all only pay rental for the rooms.your rooms got no toilet.visitors use toilet not ours?the living room you all stepping on not ours?the visitors need to past the living room to got to your room."

pink hotdog got angry and suddenly stand up.wanted to start a fight.
2 of his friends stopped him and shouted at him ordered him to sit down and shut up.

then,i can't remember what happened.
suddenly the 1 visitor per night=rm50 deleted from the rules.

my friends then asked the 2 girls"girls got anything to say?if you got any suggestion please speak out.don't the moment you went out keep on talking about your suggestions behind us.we won't know."
all of them keep quiet
we lost and they won yet they are still not satisfy and act as if we are bullying them!

then after me and a friend balik kampung for our study week,
they moved in.
everyday,they called my friend.ask this ask that because she's the one that layan them since the very beginning.
my friend can't stand so she gave me the phone number of those people.
i called 1 of them and things go wrong.
very very worng.
sorry friend.i shouldn't call.
i had a nasty chat with that person.
i tried to sound polite and i think i did
at the beginning of the conversation....

me:my friend said you all still got things not satisfy.may i know whats you all problem?

x:i'm looking for the backdoor key.we want to use the washing machine.

me:me and my friend are now in our hometown.there is another friend tell her and she'll open the door for you.

x:she's not in now and what do you mean by she'll open the door?why are you all not giving us the key?how are we going to use the washing machine?if anything happen,we need to safe our lives and back door is the only choice how are we going to open it?

me:you won't need the back door key.if we give you all the back door keys,we can't control the number of time you use the washing machine.

x:what do you me?you mean you don't trust us is it?

me:of course we don't trust you.we don't even know you all's impossible to trust you all.

x:before we came in you said there will be washing machine but now you lock it and don't let us use!before we come in you didn't tell us there will be agreement that we need to sign.fine we promise to sign but how come we don't get the key?!

me:=.=lll i told you,we can't give you because we don't trust you all.

x:we have promised you all!of course we can keep promise!what do you mean by you don't trust us?we promised to sign agreement!we promised we will only use washing machine once a week!are you going to be responsible if anything happen and when our life in danger we need the backdoor key?

me:you can use other way to out.if the front door catch fire you can jump down from your room through the won't die.

x:if anything happen to us how?!!!!!!!are you all going to be responsible?!!!!!!!!

me:it's yi\our own problem bout your safety.nothing to do with the backdoor.

x hung up the phone.then,x called my friend said i asked them to go die.
i said you won't die not go die la!!!!!!!STUPID IDIOT PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is it.
i cause more and more trouble to my life and people around me.
how now???
we will know tomorrow.
wish me luck.hope tomorrow we able to settle them peacefully....

p.s.i super duper need good luck.


rational=a word that cannot use on me...
why i always got emotionally disturb?????
how to prevent this????!
help me.....

Friday, December 3, 2010

can i ever shout in public again?
no...vivien,u got to change.
please please please please please change....
“We put thirty spokes together and call it a wheel; but it is on the space where there is nothing that the utility of the wheels depends. We turn clay to make a vessel; but it is on the space where there is nothing that the utility of the vessel depends. We pierce doors and windows to make a house; and it is on the space where there is nothing that the utility of the house depends. Therefore, just as we take advantage of what is, we should recognise the utility of what is not”
Lao Tze

can someone explain what this mean in simple language?
i don't understand...
the more i read the more blur i am =.=lll

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


nice right?i like sharing similarities =)
he like drawing too ^^
however,i can't draw comics and human figures =(
he can...=D
i wonder can he draw other stuff such as scenery and so on...
hope will figure out soon.he seldom post about his art work =(

i hate mee? me...

no matter what you do,
you are still sooooooooooooooooo menyampah.

i HATE you!