
Thursday, June 30, 2011


went to penang for assignments.......:(
got new experiences :)
will share about it if i got 'steal' photos from friends....;)

Monday, June 27, 2011


why is it so hard for me to control my emotions?
always feel down without proper reasons.....

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

dedicated to Jean Mae =D

i feel like i should write about my birthday but i'm too lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy to write about it because nothing special.....
the best part is when i received a phone call from my mom with my sis (both or one i'm not very sure) singing different languages birthday songs for me.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rhis picture is for jean.not sure is it big enough for you to see how to fold pikachu....
hope you like it =D

Thursday, June 16, 2011


i think jealousy will kill me one day.....

Monday, June 13, 2011


i wanted to post something but i forgot....
ish....hate it.
i'm getting old and forgetful ='(

Friday, June 10, 2011

pecah masuk!!!!!!!!! just happened yesterday...
i typed halfway then i lost my connection.
didn't have the record in blogger and now i can't remember what to type and how to describe.

yesterday went out of the house at 2pm.came back at 5pm.
only 3 hours left the house the thief(s) got in!
luckily my laptop still here.
because of the stupid thief,i was in the police station when i'm suppose to be in the train back ipoh....
never mind...luckily nothing lost.
the house got 4 rooms.only 1 room got broken in.
the 3 girls ngam ngam balik kampung.can't confirm what they lost so the police said he can do nothing yet.
cannot enter the room,cannot investigate.
need wait the girls come back and make another report.....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

my recent n some random ;)

i'm still sick....
but not that serious anymore...
just a little cough.
no more sore throat...
flu....also not that serious.
only need 1 packet tissue a day.
last week i used at least 3 packets tissues a day!
medicine no more.
will try to eat something else to make me better.
drinking some nature stuff instead of medicine.=)

i'm free now,in college waiting for next class.
so....i'm going to post the better photos of Logan Lerman as i said in chatbox!
just now saw him twitting in twitter so i feel like posting bout him =)

Emma Watson and Logan Lerman!
they'll be acting in perks of being a wallflower!
both of the look quite alike.
i wonder are they brother and sister in the movie or couple...
hehe :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


i don't know how to control my temper!
i hate it...
now my anger still boiling!

things i like...

at last i found out this cute guy's name...
very cute right?=D

unfortunately,when you search for danbo,all you can find is =( and emo pictures instead of =)
above is the only 2 pictures of danbo smiling that i can find....

Domo chasing Danbo!!!!!!
i like Domo too!
just don't fancy Domo that much now because i can see it everywhere,selling it along with angry birds.

pity danbo,being chase.
danbo don't worry!i guess domo only want to be friend with you =D

p.s.i like 'D'anbo,'D'omo and 'D'anson....
all come with 'D's....

Sunday, June 5, 2011

meet 'stars' week !

actually i mean celebrities...
anyway,i guess you understand what i mean.
monday,me and my friend went to eat pan mee near my college.
we saw Hong Kong tvb actress.
this lady.
she look better than in tv and she's very veryvery skinny.
i can see her bones!
we heard her ordering chilli pan mee 'da pao' don't want oil.=.=lll
the waiter keep on telling her n oil not delicious.
the waiter won.she said a little oil enough.

then,yesterday we met Malaysian star.
This friendly old lady while eating our dinner in a place called fruitland.
she's very friendly and lots of people walk to her and asked to take picture together but i didn't.
we shouldn't disturb people eating right?
actually i don't really dare to do so...shh...

We also saw this guy eating with her and a few young people.
don't know who they are and don't care.
this man,i remember his face but don't remember his name.
anyway,due to some luck,when searching picture of 'lei ming e'

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


4th of 5th day of serious cough,sore throat and flu....
at last i gave up and visited the doctor.
doctor said too serious already.
give me stronger medicine that will cause zzZ since i got no class this few days.
my $$....
RM45 gone T.T