
Saturday, July 14, 2012

IQ Test

this is the roughly result of the IQ test i's lower average :( only get 95 and people at my age average is 100 D:
wanna try?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

a day?

i used to be proud that i was born on father's day.
yeap.i was born on fathers' day in year 1992.
now i feel awkward being born on that day.
it makes me feel uncomfortable.
perhaps guilty.........

Monday, June 4, 2012

a blog without owner n visitors.....

Friday, May 4, 2012


i want to talk about this but i don't know how to start and end...all i feel is fear and pressure....

what ytou see? o.O

everytime i look at this i cant see No.5 which says i am a gay or lesbian...
until today when i saw this again with other people's comments i think 99% this photo fooled me.
lots of people can't see No.5.
although some say they see i doubt their answers because all giving different answer...
some people say it's 65 some say 63 and some say 86 and bla bla bla...
all i see is blue and green dots...
what do you see?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

sink ship...

i wanted to post and write about what happen but i can't cause i don't know how to start and end the story. it's just as hard as explaining or talking to her again because i know no matter what i say things is not gonna change.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

i m such a jerk

i didnt really mean it...
i was just....ok i dont know what i was thinking...maybe really because i am selfish...
sorry.i didnt expect the consequence will be this serious...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

titanic museum
unfortunately it's in chinese...when i see lots of chinese words i feel lazzzzy reading it...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

not me..

this is not my quote but i need to make it my quote to live a better life.
p.s.i'm not sure my blood group is B+ or B-....