
Monday, January 30, 2012

the lazy pig and the gau gau zhen...

the lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy pig's(me) unfinish work....

and the gau gau zhen sister come and do work...
thanks to my sis for completing it....i'm really sienz with my works...

我的心声.. XD

Thursday, January 12, 2012


i know i'm going crazzzzzzzzzzzzzy...
keep on posting about same thing again and again and again.
is it stupid when i know i won't get enough information for the churches history yet still feel like continuing???
i feel like trying to visit all 3 churches and gather information and see is it enough.
if it's not enough,means i've wasted a month on it and change to other topic later on...
the way i think and handle things=stupid right?

e-mail can't replace phone...

received my first e-mail for my assignment.
it's from Baptist Church,the last e-mail i sent.
she suggested me to call ms.x and gave me office phone number.
i can't run away from calling.
i guess i have to call the other 2 churches too.
do it by this week or after my CNY holidays?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


i got my first e-mail reply!
hope the e-mails for the church revisit will reply me too!

Monday, January 9, 2012

do they read e-mails?

i've sent e-mail to baptist church and cgmc.
my 6 years old church...i sent the e-mail through main branch website.
now i really wish they do read e-mail because i got bad experiences with e-mails not being replied 2 years ago.
if they don't reply me i need to call each church :(

topical study

whatever it is i don't feel like doing....
it feels so hard and i'm very lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzy to work hard...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

please don't fail

if i can't get enough information about church kindergartens, I'll switch to timber construction since so many people did steel.
please pray for me not to fail.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


i am so challenging my ability.
i know i don't have this ability and sufficient information to do this but i got a very eager heart to proceed.
i don't know why.
maybe because it feels close and familiar.
i choose to try and proceed about my kindergartens.
i wish i can get enough information.
i need to change.
i need to have strong determination to make sure things succeed.
my alternative option is totally give this up and find a new topic.
so,wish me luck ;)

p.s.i think i can found a few stuff about my 5 and 6 years old kindergarten through internet....
but my 4 years old's,i can't find. :(

Thursday, January 5, 2012

grey con ;)

this is a pic of me wearing my new grey contact lenses :D
ignore the makeup and my hair and bla bla bla.....
the makeup was done my Studio V near dear old MGS...
mom purchased a family photography package.
that's why i'm done with make up.
we did that too when i was in form 4 and can't recall did i told anyone about that...
my contact lenses...
well....quite ok..
just not satisfy with the 14.5diameter because i can't see the difference of my eyes size especially in this photo... :(

p.s.i'm so stupid with contact lenses....wore that more than 7 times but still have difficulties to wearing them

Sunday, January 1, 2012

new new NEW!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's new year and all of us are getting a year older.
new and old.... =.=lll