
Saturday, March 31, 2012 kinda cool/creative but i won't use it..
not really suite me..
is this useful to any of you?LOL :D

jean and yam is sexy n i know it ;)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


p.s. the proton is kinda true.....

good news and bad news

the good news.
my phone is ok!!!!!
i manage to turn it on again.
the bad news.
battery spoil.
the phone is purchased less than 3 months and the battery go crazy =.=lll
luckily this phone come with 2 batteries.
my friend suggested that samsung give 2 batteries because samsung knew their batteries tak tahan lama....


what i did?
my phone suddenly turn off and now cannot turn on D':

stupid vivien!
use the phone less than 1 month and now the phone died?!

Friday, March 23, 2012


i feel like buying his book about his trip in Israel.
he became christian last year and he's telling the changes God made for him.
but i don't think i'll buy because this month i spent a lot.


i made a selfish choice by ot going to form6.
now my sis got no chance to study private unis even she can get scholarship with her 10As because the living expenses won't be included in those scholarships.
mom said her only chance not going to form 6 is JPA scholarship...

i made her choiceless.....

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

spread the good news!!!

my sis get 10As in her SPM!
every government examinations she defeated me with the precious 1A.
anyway i'm proud of her :D
although she didn't get straight As.
i'm spreading the good news instead of her.
feel like i'm more excited and happy than her.LOL
maybe because i am far from home.
hope she can do well too in STPM if she go form6. she's the record holder for 'As paling banyak ' among my cousins and me.
let's see who's next but the eldest cousin after my sis is only 12.
not even take her UPSR exam. :/

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


being a trainee in development company in Ipoh is so not working...
called 3 companies.
2 didn't pick up the phone and 1 said they don't take architecture trainee.
will try for the firm.
they asked which college are you from and they go i don't know your college.....

Friday, March 16, 2012

blur blur....

i want to print black n white using the machine in college.
i didn't check properly before print.
i used RM4.50 to pring 3 papers instead of RM0.30. D:

Monday, March 12, 2012

not right?

is it things not right or my brain not functioning right?