
Saturday, July 2, 2011

continuation from previous post

not much photos for me to "steal" since all of them lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy to upload and i am not the kind of girl that will ask for photos unless very urgent. matter close or not i just don't have the gut to ask for things because i don't think i worth it.

back to the topic.
penang trip :)
how was it?
not sure.
what to share?
not sure.kinda lazzzzzzzy to type and share.
what i get from this trip?
lots of assignments and .....
some feelings that i don't even know what.

anyway,these are the photos taken from a friend's site.
below is the photos showing the jungle i stayed in during my penang trip.
Universiti Sains Malaysia.
fresh air,nice wind,big campus but not so good hostel with not so good shower & toilets.
the hostel and showers can't be graded a bad since i've been in much more horrible places.
campus very clean.
hostel clean too but still scary.
maybe because of the furniture and the old building.
Oh yea....we also did our site analysis here since the campus is big.

After completing the research for our site analysis we waited an hour or two for the others and also the lecturers before we proceed to Georgetown for another assignment.
We were given 2 1/2 hours for lunch and to ?collect information & take photos? for assignment.
Me and a friend of mine went to look for food before starting the so called 'assignment' thingy...
Got a map from tourism info centre nearby.
After having lunch we walked randomly and went inside the Peranakan/Baba Nyonya Mansion of Penang.
Met 2 pairs of brides and groom(for their marriage photos) and also a 8TV host(for don't know what tv proggramme).
i think his name is Desmond Tey or something like that....
below is the photos of the mansion....
rm10 entrance fee.quite expensive :(
both of this done on day 2.

this suppose to be a 3 days trip but it feels more like 2 days trip because the bus broke down around Slim River area. Not even half way to Penang....
spend hours waiting in "Kawasan rehat Tapah" for another bus.

p.s.if i found some photos by chance i'll post bout pethatic day 1 and short short day 3.

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