
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

penang again!❤

this time with family :)
whe to penang on the 30th morning and came back ipoh in the evening on 31st August.
i feel better after going to a simple trip like this.
maybe because it's with family.
nothing can replace family and i always feel great when i'm close with them.
at least i can feel like there's something i worth living for.
but don't know why i can't take this reason to force myself study hard.

let's talk bout my trip :)
ignore the sad part of my life and enlarge the happy parts!
i don't feel like posting the photos because i look UGLY!!!!!!!!
i'll still post since i wish to share with you girls :)
lazzzzzzzy to edit to make the photos look better.
hope you guys enjoy seeing the photos.
we ate seafood as dinner!


late post....
well....this is about a function my friend 'brought' me there.
she with her idol's fansclub gang and me shopping alone.
i kinda like shopping alone but don't feel that good when i don't have the money to buy.

anyway,it's a hong kong actress promo tour for bra....
i was there because my friend said need more people to go and support and take those name cardboards and cheer a.k.a. shout and also because i'm bored, wishing to go out and be a pat poh. photos of the promo because i don't have a camera with me during the function.

i've got no comment about fun or not but i feel paiseh.....
quite guilty being in the fans zone while i am not her fan.
actress and singers will usually try to communicate as much as possible with their fans eventhough their are on stage.
they'll asked questions or talk or whatsoever and fans just know what's the right reaction to give.
i'm not part of it does feel weird....

being in the fans zone you'll get the chance to see the celeb clearer, having opportunity to stand or sit closer to the stage and stuff.
i got a goodie bag(only for those in fans zone) and the Tavia Yeung's signature.
here is the signature on her poster and voucher book and a book.
sorry.bad photographing.

p.s. when i was in the fans zone, i really hope i got chance to see my idol too. being in the fans zone with my idol's fans and cheer sincerely. however,i didn't join any fansclub of my idols.don't feel like joining....

Saturday, August 27, 2011


it's hard to find a friend that i can tell her my problems face to face.....
my situation now is no friends for me to talk to and i start not to know how to communicate...
wait.....i'm not good in communication since the day i'm it's getting worst :'(
people around me is getting prettier and i am getting uglier.....

Saturday, August 20, 2011

temporary chapel?

this 'chapel' is cool!
simple yet attractive....
the name of it is kiss.
it's made from cardboard.

for more look here :)

when will i have the ability to design something that's not lousy?

Friday, August 19, 2011

i like this ;)

Try this out :)
1.) press ctrl+f
2.) then type 6
3.) click highlight

Monday, August 15, 2011


i saw a 97% deal!
guarantee 4-16cm waist loss from london management.
only RM10!
but i won't buy of's sooooooooo not me...
all i care about is food...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Yas Hotel,Abu Dhabi

it looks cool in some angles...
it looks weird in some angles...
anyway,the whole thing fit in it's site greatly.......
shell structure for my am i going to proceed?
i cant find any ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

final project

Quadracci Pavilion is cool.
should have notice it earlier and put it in my precedent study...
design pavilion..........i got no idea at all.