
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

a friend

i know her since form 1 through tuition centre.
not very close one but don't know why i feel responsible to guide her although i am not that good.
i used to have prejudice towards Virgo.
Why not other horoscope but virgo?
because of my dad.
forget about this.

back to this friend of mine...
she...from a broken family since she's a kid.
i don't know what age.
not the goodie goodie type and now getting worst.

i guess since last year she start going to night clubs and drink lots and lotssssssssss of beer.
now she's addicted.
always drink beer.
i think at least twice a week from my observation through her facebook recently.
i can't stand seeing so i left comment but started with something else...

蔚蔚 tea
xiu jie...
u change blog how many 100 times ady?
nvm la...
i guess it doesnt reali matter cz it's time 4 me 2 get out of your life...

Sasa II
(WAH)哇~wan say like tat meh~
i got post my blog link in fb~
i oso realised it that i have changed too much blog~~

蔚蔚 tea
i say gudbye cz i reali tink thr is no need 4 me 2 b in ur life...
plus...i hate ppl that drink beer...
2 prevent me from hating u b4 it's too late..
i guess it's time 2 go...
oso scared u might actuali influence me tink bad bout my another gud fren..
she same bufday wif u..
day,month n year bt her attitude nt same wif u la...

Sasa II

(Since you have made your decision~i don't know what to do~
your sudden~really suddenly~but i can't force you~
yes~i admit~i'm really becomind bad~although i am not prepare that you will do so.
but i can feel something.yup~
human need to step forward to complete their life the longer we live the longer backward we are.
sorry because i cause you disappointed with a friend like me.)

Desmond Wong
想起来真让我为她心痛…难道你不这样认为吗?你会否认吗?何谓朋友?朋友的“朋”有...两个月字…你有看过天上有两个月亮吗?我说到这样白你明白了吗?不用我多说咯…两个人能成为真朋友…就好像在天上找到两个月亮一样…朋友是一辈子的…真正的朋友会无条件的帮你…关心你…可以说是知己…老实说我已找到一个…我认识那么多的人只认识一位!!!其实我写这篇coment我也有损失…就是不知道我的朋友会怎样想…担这是我的肺腑之言…你觉得sasa被别人教坏了你大可拉她回来啊…!难道你们不是真心朋友…?我写我说的话可能不够动听…担我是用我的诚心来讲…我的父亲从小到大只强调我们三兄弟“真诚”…还写一张字条贴在我们兄弟的房间里…如果你不相信大可问我的哥哥…我哥叫Andrew wong…可能他现在也在看这篇coment… 担他应该给不到coment因为sasa还没add我的哥哥…告诉你我以前更加坏…只是给我的知己拉回来罢了…虽然他年龄比我大…只是我到现在还是很尊重他…这样的结局你会开心吗?你会甘心吗?我觉得你们绝交要三思啊!觉得我说的对不对,你自己想啦…这已是我第二篇写这篇coment了…第一篇我不小心按错东西洗了…我现在有点醉…因为我朋友的姐姐明天出嫁…我都要叫人家载我回的地步了…你自己用心去想吧…再见…  

(sorry for the interruption to both of you.
but i can't stand anymore.i was going to offline...even sasa angry with me for being a busybody,i still want to speak out.
to be frank,i think tea is a good friend.losing a friend like you is her lost.
sasa actually have a good other people's eyes,she a very cheerful girl that light up others!
but when you know her long enough,you'll know she's someone that get hurt easily.i guess she's now hiding and crying loudly.When i think about it,i feel sympathy...don't you feel that?you disagree?why friends then? the word 'peng' for 'peng you'(friends) got two moons...did you ever see before there is 2 moon in the sky?i say till so obvious already can you understand?i don't need to say much lo...2 person can become friend is like finding 2 moons in the sky.Friends is for a lifetime.True friends will help her friends without any 'syarat',care about them bla bla bla.
[jean,i don't feel like translating especially the part about his life and his dad and his brothers.i feel like VOMITING!sorry...]

蔚蔚 tea
amanda,i say so bcz i tink i dun hv te ability to prevent u being bad...
i mean it's kinda obvious rite?
me n u jz normal fren,nvr even once close enuf 2 hv te ability 2 help u.
n oso we dun reali hv chance 2 meet.
hw is it possible 2 pull u back?
i've tried 2 call u out a few times wheneva i come back 2 ipoh but tings jz dun work te way i plan.
it's nt like i wan 2 say 'let's fan min'..
it jz u wun come n chat wif me.
everytime i approach n start a chat 1st..
i dun like tat.
as if i am annoying u.
i tried 2 help u a few times...but..well i duno did it work.
i guess i didnt
anyway,when thr is nobody else u can tink of or u suddenly tink of me,
u can come n find me.
my get out of ur life means i wun find u 1st anymore BUT i wun ignore u if u find me.
i still care bout u =)
desmond,i noe she's a gud person n will make ppl around her hapi.
i've tried wat i can n i tink it's time 2 let go.
sumtimes human need 2 handle tings themselves.
alone without any source of's cruel 2 say so but it is true.
as i hd told her,i m jz her normal fren,i dun hv te ability 2 do te tings ur gud fren did 2 u...

then...she stop replying...
she did wrote something about the stuff i say in her blog and facebook.
how hurt she was and so on.
i feel like a jerk i feel like explaining but...
well i think if i explain things will get worst.
she will never wake up.
blinded by those friends and her own sillyness.

instead of replying her i wrote this here because she never visit my blog without me request her to do so.
seriously,we are so not close but i don't know why i care.
and i also don't know why she will sad because of what i did.
however i don't think the sadness of hers by me will last long and will able to change her unless something serious happen and i dare not imagine what.
i don't wish anything bad happen.

p.s.i don't like that guy.
he acted as if he know what's happening and say like he's bla bla bla and stuff.
also say he was once very bad and luckily his best friend pull him back,prevent him to get worst.
frankly speaking,i think his best friend did a lousy job because he still look like some jerk.

blog readers,sorry because i'm use to speak and type out what i think HARSHLY.
i'm a harsh person.if you hate this type of human,get lost.
thanks for co-operation.

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