
Saturday, November 27, 2010


whenever something is happening i feel like posting blog desperately but when i reach my laptop i turn out to be toooooooooooooo lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy to post anything that happened.

anyway,today i went back ipoh by another train company.
the cheaper but take longer time to reach 1.
the ETS is RM30.
no class difference.
the KTM intercity got 3 classes.
1st class
2nd class
economy class

i cant buy my kl to ipoh economy class because i was kinda late.
just bought ticket a day before.
it costs me rm22.
the ipoh to kl i bought right after i reach ipoh.
i got my economy class.
RM12 only.
if i am given a chance to choose,surely i'll go for ETS,the train much more newer and atmosphere better + come on time.
today 1st time take ktm's.
the train delayed 1 hour +!
wait till headache and that time i wasn't feeling well...
i feel like scolding people....
entered the train coach i sneeze.
the seats kinda smelly.
the atmosphere...
i smell cigarette..
who the hack smoking in the train!!!!!!!!!!!!idiot!
and perfume too...
all these torture me.

yet i still buy the same company's ticket.
why?because i'm poor.
i want to save money=)

p.s.yesterday i watched harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1.
not nice..
book much more better.
p.p.s.i dropped my wallet in the cinema.
good news:
i found it.the worker returned to me when i asked him did he see it.
bad news:he took RM50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
should i be glad because he returned it to me?
or should i be sad because of the rm50?
now the movie ticket that cost rm6 turn out to be rm 56...D':

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