
Saturday, April 30, 2011

what i did?

this whole sem feel like sharing nothing because i got 'no face' to show you all what i did...
this whole sem outcome is total disappointment with no surprise...
things i did is getting worst...
among all my stuff i only dare to share this....
1o sketches that i draw just for the pathetic 10 marks....
i put more time in something less valuable because they are the things i really like....
i wonder did i make the right choice choosing this road.....

what to see my pathetic pig intestine model?will show you 'privately' if you ask me...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

3 years having long hair....
feel like cutting it off but quite impossible because just straighten...
cut it off=waste money...

recently i found out that since i'm a kid i'll cut my long hair into superb short hair every 3 to 4 years.....
don't know why after 3 years the feeling of chop it off will come and find me....

Monday, April 25, 2011

when you see cool stuff,what's on your mind???

i feel wow and what a failure i am....
looking through other people's success,
i was sitting here wondering will i be successful.
then i laugh at myself.

come on!
how will someone that don't even trust herself be successful?


Saturday, April 23, 2011


this is the first time in my whole life having this lot pimples...
luckily most of them hidden under my fringe...
but beside my mouth and on my nose got!!!!!!!!
last time i'm stress too but not this much pimples...
because of the polluted air here or because my condition is worst than the past?

Friday, April 22, 2011













p.s.those who read english,sorry.

i feel like it's easier to express in chinese.

it's about something my friend facing and cause me think of other stuff....

the last part related to you all who are willing to read my blog.

i'm so sorry because i've been posting depressing stuff all the time.

will you get bored and angry with the things i post?

sorry.i just can't control myself being pessimistic....

clumsiness again!WOO~

let's talk/discuss about my clumsiness...
remember what i told you about my stupid models?
everytime i make a model,they either cedera parah,extremely ugly outcome or don't turn out the way they should be due to my clumsiness...
they'll look bengkang bengkok or superb duperb dirty.
yesterday i cut the watermelon for my housemates.
when one of them saw the watermelon, her reaction is "wah,cut so come u can cut this nice and do your drawings neatly but when it come to handwork/models your things......"
me:"..............................well.....i guess i'm just sooooooooooooooooo not talented with handwork stuff..."
she:"but this is weird"
me:"actually i've eaten those not being cut properly watermelon before i serve you.LOL!"
she" wonder"

before what she said yesterday i've been thinking about stuff like this for days.
what's the problem with me?
i put my heart in drawings and even watermelon but not my models?
is it because i'm so not talented or i don't have heart doing them?
the more i think about this the more i hate myself.
i've chosen the wrong road is it?
but at the moment i choose it every road seems scary.
this is the less scary road but how come it turn out just like others?
the more i think about this the 'clearer' i see...
the problem is me.
i have no heart in everything.
i never trust myself.
i don't believe myself.
how is it possible to succeed when you don't even have faith in yourself?
when i start to have a little,i will either feel like i'm bossy or before i fully believe i can do it,the wall i built just being knock down by various force.

can anyone thech me how to build confidence when your confidence have been knock flatly in the previous years???
when i 'stalk' or see things related to X i hate her more.
when i 'stalk' Y i feel like i am crazy.
argh......what happen to me???

Thursday, April 21, 2011


i feel empty...

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Anorexia soon...
i begin to throw away my food before i finish them up...
maybe because i'm gaining lotsssssssssssssssssssssss of KGs recently....

bad mood...

i need sugar to feel better yet i don't like sugar....

Saturday, April 16, 2011

weakness kills....

my greatest weakness....

1st:NO Confidence

now my 2nd weakness is killing me. T.T

Friday, April 15, 2011

i'm a living corpse that keep on haiz~~~~~~~~~~~~

where is my heart?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

if you und chinese and can read it,
actually this is quite funny...LOL
you know what?
i hate being bad luck yet bad luck always follow me...

seriously i think i'm going to explode soon...
i don't know why my patience suddenly reduce and the volcano side of me always win...
the liquid is boiling harder and harder this few days and i guess it's going to explode soon.

PLEASE don't come close to me so that the lava won't hurt you!
thank you!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

mataku bengkak.........