
Thursday, September 29, 2011

i am ruining my image every working day...
ok...i mean i never had a good image and i am making it worst when i'm working with my friend.'s true that friends can't work together/become workmate but workmate can be friends...
p.s.i'm also making myself like an idiot in front of everyone :(
i know i got serious attitude problems but i don't know how to change.
or should i say i don't have the determination to change?

everyone is getting fed up with me.
i've change a lot?
from bad to worst.
and yet i don't know since when all this changes start and don't know how to stop it....

Sunday, September 18, 2011

last project pavilion

the not very complete version of my completed pavilion. :)
this is what i did.
this stuff cause me lack of sleep and my dark circles still with me... :(

this 5 are the presentation boards.
start with 1:the maps,key,location n site plan.
2:idea and concept
(the most not satisfy because it looks really weird and i don't know how to make it look goodT.T)
3:the elevations,plans and sections.
(my sections got 1 i drew wrongly :[)
4:details and construction details
(copy from a book and modify a little)
5:3D perspective view interior and exterior
(suppose whole board use comp but i only print pictures because i can save money.use RM6 instead of RM35) my model the cacated siput.
it's not that nice but at least better than the previous pig intestine that i didn't post.
i think i lost my pig intestine model photos.
should've show you all how ugly that was.
thanks to Gin for helping me the lousy photographer to take photos of my model.
at least it look much more better in photos.
if you think this model is ok, give me support by clicking like in facebook :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

sneak peak 2!

share a few photos first because not free yet to organize them.also connection not good.
credits to Gin for borrowing the camera and helping me to take the photos of this 'snail'.

tomorrow last exam.
wish me luck!;)
p.s.i don't think anyone will come to my blog this few days....

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


other people's curvy design is so modern and my curvy design make the whole thing come out sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo kolot...
never mind....continue do assignment...tomorrow morning dateline
dateline=die day

Saturday, September 10, 2011


i should be happy or sad?
my find project assignment due date postponed to 14 sept moral.
15 sept morning exam moral...
i actually feel quite disappointed with the postponed..shh.......
oh my...
when others see this they'll kill me....

ii'm not so happy with the postponed not because i'm soooo good girl do all my work on time...
it's just...
feel like no reason to blame 'not enough time' for my ugly model...
my ugly model is i progress...
did some and it's really ugly.
is it the confidence problem or my design really ugly or i don't like my design at all?
i guess all the above.....
i don't like my design,
i don't have confidence in making good stuff,
i don't trust myself and worst of all.....
i sucks in making model!!!!!
the whole model always get dirty or senget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

sneak peak?a little part of my final project...

my 'drawing skill' quite rough....lots of shouldn't make mistake there.
i simply do because don't really got the mood and quite boring with it....
an ugly design starts its presentation here ;)

a stupid shell structure pavilion.
snail like(my sis said look more like whistle).
anyway,they look really rough....and i'm lazzzzzzzzzy to touch up.
maybe will do when feel like doing so ;)

Monday, September 5, 2011


i saw an ex-mgsian at KL Sentral.
met the girl that always wrote stories and left them in my desk.
we used to read and comment about her stories when we were in form two.
we were so young.....