
Sunday, October 30, 2011


everything feel so wonderful yesterday and today sucks... :(
maybe because yesterday able to chat with both 'yellow' and 'yam' the double Y!

today need to back to reality and ...
i don't know...
maybe because the train ride make me feel dizzy and i'm feeling down right now........


got 'scolded' by my sis because of my lazzzzzzzzziness....
not that really scold.
just like giving me a sour look and an expression saying what kind of sis is this?
so lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy yet said interested in this course....

my lazzzzzzzzzzy use brain outcome.

this is from the previous sem but it's done manually and the ting come out quite lame.
down part got big empty blank space due to my tiny handwriting.... the stupid bungalow research that i did for this sem.
when my sis saw it she said why no difference in your stuff from your previous assignment?

this one is the damn furnitures.for this sem too but different subject...
well....she said why you always black and white?
i was like LOL!i don't know colours.

should i make some effort squeezing my brain making some design on it?
argh.....i am damn damn damn lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy at the moment....
scold me that i'll change.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

what you see? :)

i saw outgoing 1st...
then ego,passionate and insecure...
and this 4 is soooooooooooooooo
not related....
p.s.i don't think i'm outgoing or ego...
passionate maybe sometimes and insercure i know..
ALL the time... :(

Sunday, October 23, 2011

tables and chairs....

why i can't make it?
because i don't know how to think out of the box....
i guess the most important part of designing/being creative is think out of the box which i really sucks in it.

my ?researches?
the chairs....
the side tables.....
Recycled Paper Side Table

p.s.i think the tables are cooler :)
so....i still don't know what to do :/
ok...someone gonna scold me when see me behaving this way.
always uncertain about everything.....haiz.....

Saturday, October 22, 2011


i am driving myself crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy............

girls,if you are asked to design furniture what you'll choose?
table?chair?lamp?cabinet?multipurpose box? multipurpose use design?
end product=make a scale 1:1 model !!!
and the 'furniture'= real.
can function.
help me choose please~
i don't know how to make choices....
next week need to pass up the research for the furniture of my choice!

another one is bungalow...
i got difficulties in finding BIG photos to fit in A1 paper....
and i am lack of info about bungalow research.
i don't know what kind of info i should have for my 'dear~~~' bungalow.....

Monday, October 17, 2011


yesterday was my last day working as a promoter in jaya jusco.
someone asked me how i feel on my last working day.
i can't answer.....
i don't know what i feel.
all i remember is on the first few days i keep thinking time please pass faster.
i sucks in this.i DON'T LIKE this job at all.

what i get from this 20+ working days?
found out i really sucks in communication.
work for almost 1 month and i only get a new friend.
as i know most of the promoters there part timer or full timer or whatever they get lots of friends just in one day and can communicate so well with each other as if they are old buddies.
if i am like them,will my life be easier and happier?

anyway,i'm glad i worked during my sem break.
at least i don't have time to think negative stuff. :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

i want to be the 'geli' one ;)


悲观的人要think positive难到死,

乐观的人要无端端think negative也会geli到死,




We deserve a better life ,cheers!

copy this from a malaysian artist's blog...LOL

random :)

i think this is so true...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

how to make me sleep?
counting sheep not working......
i'm tired but i can't sleep :'(