
Monday, October 17, 2011


yesterday was my last day working as a promoter in jaya jusco.
someone asked me how i feel on my last working day.
i can't answer.....
i don't know what i feel.
all i remember is on the first few days i keep thinking time please pass faster.
i sucks in this.i DON'T LIKE this job at all.

what i get from this 20+ working days?
found out i really sucks in communication.
work for almost 1 month and i only get a new friend.
as i know most of the promoters there part timer or full timer or whatever they get lots of friends just in one day and can communicate so well with each other as if they are old buddies.
if i am like them,will my life be easier and happier?

anyway,i'm glad i worked during my sem break.
at least i don't have time to think negative stuff. :)


  1. LOL!no wor, do not get lots of friends wor~only a fews,..not all promoters is nice person one~~want be friend oso hard~!

  2. i only got ONE.
    they seems kind.just that i duno how and what to talk with them....
