
Sunday, October 30, 2011


got 'scolded' by my sis because of my lazzzzzzzzziness....
not that really scold.
just like giving me a sour look and an expression saying what kind of sis is this?
so lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy yet said interested in this course....

my lazzzzzzzzzzy use brain outcome.

this is from the previous sem but it's done manually and the ting come out quite lame.
down part got big empty blank space due to my tiny handwriting.... the stupid bungalow research that i did for this sem.
when my sis saw it she said why no difference in your stuff from your previous assignment?

this one is the damn furnitures.for this sem too but different subject...
well....she said why you always black and white?
i was like LOL!i don't know colours.

should i make some effort squeezing my brain making some design on it?
argh.....i am damn damn damn lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy at the moment....
scold me that i'll change.

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