
Friday, May 28, 2010

last week....(updated)

yesterday just reached Ipoh...
home sweet home~

last friday the foundation math class was cancel.
it's quite sudden so we decided not to balik kampung.
we went to tesco instead...
because of this...


quite lazy to post bout the details...
we enjoyed our steamboat as dinner but of course it's obvious that 3 of us can't finish it...
luckily we searched from 1 empty unit to another and found a fridge!
we had all these ingredients for 4 meals....
2 times steamboat,once tom yam soup+bihun and so on....
can't really remember....i think more than 4 meals...

the next day....
we went to IOI Mall to watch 3D movie because 3 of us didn't watch before.
and of course...i suggested it. ^^
all of us didn't regret watching but don't want to watch for the second time because it's very expensive!
a picture to prove we watched 3D version.

on Sunday,
we went no where.
stayed in the hostel form morning till night because run out of money ='(
we used those ingredients and cook something else.
we also had red bean soup as dessert.
due to boringness,we went to ask the chinese guys what movies or dramas they have.
we borrowed and watched.

quite fun to hang out with both of them although
1) i can't speak hokkien they can =(
2)both of them also joined chinese orchestra during secondary school and know music well but i'm not...
3)both of them from chinese school

maybe because we all have same interest...
and maybe because we born in June
the 1 from terengganu name xin lin
born on 9-6-1992
the 1 from kedah name hooi chuen
born on 21-6-1992
same with me but she's elder...
she's born in the morning i born at night.
feel quite weird to be the youngest when i don't behave like them.
in fact the eldest behave like the youngest
hope i will like my life in p.j. more...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


i feel like blogging yet i don't feel like typing the things happen on me...
i feel like telling someone something yet i don't know who or what i want to tell...
i feel like voicing out my feelings but feel 'shy' to let those close with me know...
i feel a little confuse yet i don't know what i am confuse of...
i just.........
by the way,
although i did talk...
i still think i always run away from others...
when people are chit chatting 2 by 2,
i still walk away because i always think i shouldn't exist or i'm the extra 1....
weird right?
even when others are in a group,i still walk away.
anyone know how to cure this???????

Thursday, May 20, 2010

being CHEATED 3rd part....

we went to find the so called education counsellors(but the are in charge in marketing department =.="')
we waited at the lobby there for them.
only 3 left.
others sharp 5.30pm cepat-cepat lari home....
they were like WHAT!you all wait early also missed the bus?
then we were invited to have our free dinner in the campus since they have extra food.
(i don't know where the food come from...)
we have to wait until 7pm because here traffic jam here...very serious...
the boys were sent home by the university college's van.
3 girls sent 'home' by a lady counsellor.
she's quite kind hearted because none of us is under her.
yet she need to send us for 1hour++ back to our hostel.
the hostel location is extremely far away from the campus.
we have to travelled 45 minutes to reach our campus IF not during the jammed time.
the next morning,
i went into the marketing office saw a counselor of my friend.
well...i raise my voice a little....
asking what's the schedule of the bus?
why can't you all give us clear information?
bla bla bla...
he's like...
kinda shock.
he said"please be patient.we will tell the management.We'll handle for you."
i ignore him then we went to class.

tuesday,our first lesson
grapic and technical drawing...
stated in the timetable the class start at 9am till 12pm.
however,the clock strikes 9.30am.
no lecturer come in.
we can't wait anymore.
two girls went to find the lecturer.
while waiting for them to come back a malay girl speaking in mandarin tell us that she came since january.
suppose to be january intake but no lecturers came in before.
when the girls came back,they told me the lecturer does not know we have class today.
i got angry!
get out of the class,BANG the door went to the lif there and waited.
i feel like going down to complain but then i went back to the class and tell them i'll skip the class for a while if teacher come in.i want to go and complain.
a girl accompany me.
i went into the marketing department,
walked to the last desk(senior edu counselor's)and start SCOLDING.

him:wait...don't trust what the malay students say...
they always simply say things.i don't know what happened to them but i am sure may intake will start.

me:i can't trust you all.i need to speak to the person in charge.
the management here really messy.the hostels,the bus and everything!

then,another guy sitting beside the senior education counselor gave me the phone.
he let me talk to the head of the architecture department.
i asked about the classes and the lecturers.
why is the lecturer not here yet.
she told me sorry.he's facing some technical problem.
after settle i hang up the phone.
the senior edu counselor asked me what she tell me.
i said...technical problem and so on.
then,i get out of the office.
everyone in the office shocked.
they looked at me but i ignore them.
we went back to the class and waited for the lecturer.

when the lecturer came in,he said he was sorry.
he did not know.
he brought some samples of the assignment that we will be doing this semester.
quite convincing....
i've learned some of it before.
i get cool down a little.

afternoon class,
the lecturer also late but only a few minutes.
this i can accept.
the way she talk quite convincing too.
i was thinking perhaps i'll stay if the lecturers are good.
the management got nothing to do my studies.

when it's time to go back to the hostel,
it rained heavily.
the weather and the atmosphere make me feel sick.
how are we going to walk to the bus stop in this kind of weather?
the older students said the bus will come in but i received a call from my housemate telling me the bus can't come in.
i said that to my friends loud enough for the counselors nearby to listen so that i don't have to solve it myself.

we waited for half an hour i guess....
the so call way they slove our problem...
they used the college van and some counselor's car to send us to the bus stop.

when it seems like nobody coming up anymore i asked the driver what time we'll be leaving...
he said the management haven't call yet.
so need to wait till 5.30pm.

the only thing that pop up in my mind...
right,a show put on to make me keep my mouth shut.

when we reached our units,we got shocked.
the door was opened.the floor all wet!
i thought somebody purposely did that but when i look up,
the ceiling.....
why are we soooooooooooooo damn BAD LUCK?!
the only 'house' that leaks....
the living hall and a room leaks....
we were asked to move to the other unit.
some of us moved downstairs.

3 girls included me didn't moved downstairs.
i just moved from the living hall into the master bedroom.
we don't mind staying there because we will be moving out next month and the toilet in our current unit is much more cleaner than the downstairs.

another 3 hours class that ends early.

all not yet start teaching.just introduction and tell us what we have to buy.
this lecturer also came late.
15 minutes i guess.
this lecturer seems okay too.
she teaches architecture communication skill.

looking at the timetable...
looking at the watch.
let's go.we have to find the lecturer.

EVERYDAY have to find them...
when we reached their office,we met our english lecturer.
she said the timetable she received is stated 9.30am.
i was like...
this is the reason all the lecturers late.
stupid idiotic management department~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

everyday here will have surprise...
all also negative surprise....
hate it....
please let me see the positive side of this place...
if not....
i really don't feel like staying here and don't feel like handing them my agreement....

p.s.i feel kinda sorry to those i scolded because the friend that accompany me said the way i say things too harsh....the next day i sent a sorry message (because IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO SAY THAT IN FRONT OF THEM)to them.Yet,after a few hours i regretted.
someone hack their facebook.
even before the students move in,they knew the hostel got problems!YET,on the day we moved in the hostel,they said sorry and said they DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE HOSTEL!THEY NEVER BEEN THERE!!!
I DAMN HATE THEM~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!

P.P.S.hope tomorrow will be fine....

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

being CHEATED part2

then when we reached the hostel after some sesated stuff that happen and i don't know how to describe....
we moved in to our respective house units...
the so call house of us not an empty unit....
3 malay girls stayed there since 3 months ago...
we...6 chinese 1 indian 2 punjabi asked to moved in to this unit.
our total 12!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 need to sleep in the living room!
it's not a big area.
you know...the condominium type area...
the whole house is 2 room in my grandpa's house.
4 people in 1 small room.2 people in 1 smaller room.
the malays in this unit are kinda dirty.
the floor,the toilet,the room and everything.
scariest place...refrigerator!
because when you open the refrigerator,the top part inside it got lots of black thingy!
look like lizard eggs!YUCKS~!!!!!!!!
4 girls can't stand.
a chinese,an indian and 2 penjabi.
still not ready to move in.
they went somewhere else to stay for a few days.
some went boyfriends house,some relatives.

after our parents left,the malay girls voice out.
they said for our own good(actually they don't like other races)they asked us weather we wanted to switch unit or not.
well...we said we wanted to see the unit first just in case the place is dirty.
we went there and the place is much more cleaner so we switch our unit with the previous residents.
however,we still not satisfy with the hostel.
their house got refrigerator.ours none.
they got 2 tables,ours none.
but i'm ok with that because i got legs.i went to find and moved tables from empty units to my unit=D
while writing the name list and i.c. of our housemates,
i found out a girl writing 920621!
i was on this day?
she:what?i wrote wrongly...oh~ya...that day=)
wow~this year met 2nd person same birthday.
she's from kedah.
sunday after breakfast,me and another 2 roomates dare ourselves to take the town bus.
we traveled from puchong to mid valley.
1/2 hour journey!!!!!!!
(to the uni/college worst...1 hour+!)
cacated location......
but it is our temporary
well...i still can't tolerate because the problems we are facing not only hostel....
you'll know later.

we were asked by those so-called senior(as if they are elder although we are same age!)to a non-official orientation for newcomers which we thought is compulsary as they say so...
thus,we went.
well...the orientation wasn't something bad.
all they want is to get closer to the hostel mates (or that's what i think).
something wrong there...
they said the orientation will be going on for 3 days.
monday 9am gather in the hostel hall!
but we were asked to wait for the bus at 7am to go to the campus on the same day!
what to do?
all my housemates decided to go to the campus.
why?because that's the complaint day!haha=D
trust me...
when the complaint session starts,i complained A LOT!
paiseh~i cannot tahan.

the vice manager form the management department came to handle our problems.
the things he said kinda convincing.
make most of the people feel "okay......." or that's better.
things he said SEEMS convincing BUT later...
after some lame orentation from 2 pm to 4,i went to online in the library.
type the previous post...
then 5pm went downstairs to wait for the bus although we were told the bus reach at 5.30pm.
they said better start waiting at 5...
mana tau we still missed the bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why we missed the bus?
1.we waited at the WRONG PLACE!
-suppose to go to the junction bus stop and wait there!
2.the bus came at 4 something!!!!!!!!
3.the idiotic housemates(1 indian and 2 punjabi)didn't asked the bus driver to wait for us.
-i am very sure they saw us going to the toilet and they admit they saw us.
they said after the bus gone only they found out we weren't in the bus which i can't believe at all!!!
idiot~!i treated them quite well and they treat me this way!!!!!!!!

conclusion:9 people missed the bus.
3 girls 6boys...
continue tomorrow...don't want to miss bus again

Monday, May 17, 2010

being CHEATED....

i feel like i got cheated when i first experience the kelam-kabut orientation here...


GEK SEI ME LA~! to say?

what to say?

i don't know how to start and don't know how to end!

whole thing here is sooooooooooooo SUCKS!!!!!!!!!

from beginning until now i see none of the 'kelebihan' here...

i only see the weakness!!!!!!

(sorry for the rojak language...i'm too disappointed until i can't remember the words i should use)

1st of all...

reach PJ on Friday.

meet the person in charge in the scholarship tingy...

he told my mum that we can move in to the hostel that day...

when we reached here he said sorry....the hostel is full and so on which is not the real reason we found out another day!!!!!!!

we later went to the star office to get my agreement...

until now,i haven't fully fill them up because i sense problem(kononnya)

never mind....

next day,saturday.orientation.

when we come to register,we need to divide ourselves in malays and non-malays group.

ok...i don't mind...

in fact i'm use to it...

then some simple intro and so on,we get our break.

asked to wait somewhere and i'm the only chinese got sesated in between the malays.

then i didn't get my timetable.


that's my problem and my blurcase pasal....


Sunday, May 9, 2010

tea time till dinner...

before having tea with alice and gang(koala and bookworm) in wonderland...=_="'
my mum and i went to fetch my youngest sis from tuition.
then we went to a shop that sell oil painting to:
1.frame 2 of my drawings
2.take pictures of the painting without the boss knowledge

mum keeps on talking with him

however,i only manage 2 take a few pics because...scared

this...i love the green grapes sooooooooo much~!
they're soooooo real.....
however,the watermelon spoil the painting.

and this is my favourite among all.

then,i we went to fetch koala based on the weird map that i remember in facebook.
it actually make things worst...
all my mum need is just the taman,the road and the house number.
then we fetch bookworm with koala showing us the way.
don't feel like blogging...
well...when we reach ritz garden,we waited for alice in the not fun mood.
we were like don't know what to talk about....
when alice reached,
no more silence,she did all the talking.
all her life experience during her trip,her ns and everything.
she talked non stop and we laughed non stop.
haha =D
2.35pm 4 people start chit-chatting until 4.10pm.
took some pictures...

actually i wanted to wear this but i don't dare....

then,alice went to form 6 tuition eventhough form 6 not start yet.
koala went home herself.
bookworm and i went to parade by bus because our parents not free to take us home yet.
her mother ends work at 5pm.
my mother fetched me at 6 something then fetch my another sis back from tuition at 6.30pm.
since i'm in parade,i went to porpular.
looking for the books that i can't find.
i saw them but translated in chinese.
i can't read them =(
english version?
out of stock ='(

went to eat buffet type steamboat + BBQ.
RM26.80 per adult.
RM12.80per kid.
i didn't eat lunch.
thus,i ate a lot.=)
fat,fat FAT!!!!!!
who cares.....

p.s.friday i went back to mgs.
wore formal because the letter say so.
don't really look like me...
i wore SKIRT!
here's some pic....
don't laugh.

Friday, May 7, 2010

confuse,headache and GOING CRAZZZZZZZZZZY~!

i really hate myseelf a lot....
i don't understand why am i soooooooooo confuse.
can't understand what am i headache of...

to whom may concern...
i get a scholarship through The Star newspaper education fund...
i get diploma in architecture in a uni call city u.
this uni was a college since 1984...just upgrade and change name this year.
formally known as Unity International College.
it is under a construction company.
that is the reason i choose to go although i don't know much about this u.
i'm not sure do i make the right decision.
it suddenly seems like form6 is much more better yet i scared i can't handle because most of the people saying STPM=toughest among all exams...

i'm kinda scared....
although i've make my decision,
i scared i can't go on...
i am not familiar with the place there....
i don't even know which is what road and don't know how to go the places there.
alone there with nobody...
no family,no old friends and no relatives...

where's the nearest shop that i can buy bread as my breakfast?
have to find out myself by asking people around like a dumb dumb....
which place i can buy cheapest food?
hmm...all food there are much more expensive...
perhaps i'll eat bread whole year.haha=D

knowing that i will be away for a long time and losing my youth(as if i have)...
i asked my closer friends to come out...
meet for the last time perhaps...
because i don't think we still have chance to meet in future...
nobody will have the time to meet...
no more sincere old friends...
all workmates...
all selfish because that's the way to survive....
all live in a ME ME ME!world....
include the future me.

however,the world always disappointed me....
most of the people i asked can't go out...
only 1 or 2 can...will it be fun?
will i ruin the fun?
i am a boring person...
will i make things worst?

i am used to it...
i lost lots of things...
yet...i'm still sad and hurt everytime i lost something...
i always feel like crying when i am alone and got nothing to do...
i'll start thinking lots of rubbish....
i always fail to cry...
crying is so not me....
however i cried easily while watching movies and dramas....
i don't know why...haha =D

will be going out but will it success?
can 'we' able to go out and have fun just by chit-chatting?
hmm....reaching that place is still a problem to me....
always scared inthe end no one come...
always scared i will be the only one there...
do i have experience of being dump alone in the street?
i'm not sure...i can't remember but i always feel like will be dump,will be alone everytime i go out....

haiz....typing rubbish again....
ignore me....

Monday, May 3, 2010

i wish to meet her earlier...

the her i mention is not a real person...
Her name is Annabeth.
She's a character from Percy Jackson and The Olimpians book series(3 out of 5 books that i read recently/during my holidays).
She's a demigod daughter of Athena, strong friend of Percy. Very intelligent, skilled in architecture and strategy.
Her most attractive characteristic to me is her intelligence and her passion in architecture.
If i know about her earlier,i will have much more curiousity and passion in architecture and i am sure that can help me to go through those interviews successfully and confidently...

last thursday i went to an interview for diploma in architecture in City U formally known as Unity International College through The Star.Eventually,I know about this college through The Star scholarship application.
The interview....
i guess i did badly.
well...that day i went to kl with my mum.
took a bus at 5am.Reached KL Sentral at 7 something.
Asked people how to go to city u through LRT.Then when we reached Asia Jaya,we are suppose to walk 5 minutes to reach city u.we asked direction.
surprisingly,nobody(include the hawker nearby) know where the u is and it gives me a super duper bad impression.....
then i got a feeling leading me to use the road on the right.we met another hawker.He said just a few steps more.You'll see it.
We walked pass a few factory like buildings.Then we saw a sign board in front of a building written CITY UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.
i was like...what the.... is giving me a bad impression...
the building looked small yet long.
everything is so office like until i reached the cafe.
i guess it's the best looking place in the uni.
i reached early.7 something.
the interview suppose to start at 10am.
When almost time,i change to formal clothes and i hate that.
i wore a black sut and a grey skirt!
i was lucky number one.
the first to be is a good thing because it will enable me having extra time to tour blindly in KL.

let's talk about the interview.
4 people interview me,
1 from the star 3 from city u.
1 of the city u guy just sit there and write write write.
1st of all they asked me to intro myself.
i talked some rubbish and add 'i like drawing'.
haha =D
next,they asked how i come to kl.
told them and they saw wow!5am bus!
then they asked me what i know about architecture.
well...i said it's designing a building,not only the appearance but also the function.determine which place is use for what function.
then they ask me,if thay give me the scholarship,is there any problems in communication with the students since in a class 20 out of 30 students are malays.
i was like wow~!but i said it won't be a problem for me since i am from malay school since standard 1 and i don't have many chinese classmates.
then they asked me if i get the scholarship what will i do to the u although there is no bond.well...i said stupid stuff...i'll promote the uni???
haha =D
then try my very best in the studies then continue in degree then design buildings that not only known by others but the designer will be known as well.
when i've done saying that i said wow!me saying those stuff!
then they asked what will i do if i didn't get the scholarship.
go form 6.
that's all i guess....
lame right?

another post...
today i went out with 2 not so close friends and an unknown girl to k box in jusco.
conclusion...the whole day is bored since most of them don't seems like wanting to have fun.
everything was dull until i met a monkey(tung siew yee)working in a fitness centre.
i was kinda shocked when i saw heer there.
her job quite qood.
basic salary for a month got RM1000++ and can get commision for every person she intro and become member.
my mum n i told her we are not going to be member.however,she still intro us about the facilities warm hearted and let me try some of the facilities(without other workers notice).
this is what i did.

the sandbag,when i saw it,i told her i am going to stick her picture there and punch it.
after having a tour in the gym,we went home.

p.s.i wish to go out with the friends i really want them to go out with me.not just randomly being ask and accept blindly.