
Tuesday, July 6, 2010


the reason i am EXTREMELY EXHAUSTED today....

i've been drawing this since yesterday 2pm until today morning 5am~~~~!!!!
only stop a while to eat dinner and didn't even have time to take a bath!

this is the original version...for you all to compare...:)

i can't stand anymore when the clock strikes 5am.
i went to sleep,set alarm for 6.10am but i DIDN'T WAKE UP~!
OMG~!i was too tired until i can't even hear it ringing....
i woke up at 7am and got crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy~~~
hate myself sooooooooo much because oversleep...

however,i didn't continue drawing right after i woke up...
i can't stand the odour...
i went to bath then i continue drawing until my roommates prepare to walk with me to the lrt station...
i brought sandwich and force myself eat quickly inside the lrt.
then walked quickly to the campus without considering to walk together with them.
then i continue drawing again...
still drawing even when the lecture entered...
he let me draw...
i draw until 10.35am i think...
then quickly snap a photo for my 'hasil titik peluh'...

after that i can't really remember what i did...
i guess due to lack of sleep i can't do things properly...
i even suffer short term lost memory...
can't really remember what i did yet not sleepy...

however,after i reached my 'home'...
the 1st thing i do is sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep =D
i feel soooooooo energetic after the 2 hour sleep.
after sleeping,get naughty again.
online and don't do assignments...
uh oh~~~
mati liao le....
don't care first la...
want enjoy =P
p.s.i've uploaded this photo in facebook...
please click 'like' if you think it's nice...
thanks =)

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