
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

tertinggal post....oops...

last week...
19th July
we went to pusat sains negara...
weird right?
18 years old adult going to a place for primary students to visit....
when we were there i feel kinda paiseh leh...
quite uncomfortable...
in the bus.....

all crammed in a small area....=D


cute or not?when we were there,the 'frogman' was washing the aquarium...hahahahaha XD
okay...why we went to the pusat sains negara?
to study and find the principle of design from the building.....
actually i don't think we need to go there...
we can just study it by looking at the picture of the building...
never mind...
the trip was f.o.c...
haha...freeeeeeeeee of charge~!
we spent 5 hours there @.@
boring till X.X
had a little fun and get closer to our classmates...
because of this trip,we also feel like opening a group and opened 1 in fb..
hehe ^^

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