
Tuesday, September 28, 2010


not because of lectures but waiting.......
today went to my college at 11 something.
around 12.15pm,the person in charge send me to Eastin Hotel for The STAR newspaper scholarship ceremony thingy...
stupid right?
after sooooooooooooooooooooo long only have ceremony...
recipients should be there at 1pm.
when i reach there i was like OMG!WTH!!!!!
i was the only person that didn't wear blazer.
everyone is like men or women in black and i look like a lost kid....='(
i can't go on with the blog...
summarize it....
i stand like an idiot leaning on the wall till 2 something.
then being asked to sit and waited for ceremony to start at 2.30pm.
got 3 performance.
1 of them make me almost cry(that time my eyes full of tears but i force myself not to let them come out)
it's choir in bm+english then got a malay guy later rap in tamil then chinese...
that make me think of my school life.
i never thought i'll say this....
it make me miss mgs soooooooooooooo much because mgs always got songs in multi languages...
i miss the people and teachers in mgs ='(
who can give me a warm hug now?
i need it now....
=( i ate 2 heong beng for breakfast..then ate lunch at 4.30 after the ceremony!!!!
hungry till dizzy....
now very full...i don't think i need dinner.
if i really get hungry,gotta force myself not to eat...
i'm tooooooooooooooo fat.

Friday, September 24, 2010

soft surprise~!

this is the soft little surprise i'm talking about...
cute right?
they give people the 'wah~' feel when you see there's soooooooooooooo many of them.
hehe =)

they are actually abandon 'kids?'
perhaps they are bears with raccoon tails or maybe just raccoon having their colour mismatch...
anyway,they are still adorable right?
don't understand why grandpa's neighbour threw them away...
the neighbour was doing some cleaning up.
these were part of the unwanted stuff.
mum asked from him to give it to her and mum clean them up.
(half of them actually covered with some small animals dung)
some of them will be us =)
and most of it will go to the orphan...
all of them are being hang to kill germs...

this 1...lime sekawan gantung bersama tunggu dipancung!
(evil me laughing like mad)

sweet couple hanging together?
well,you can take is as besties hanging out together =)

watak utama for the dear author...
her Paige and Connor k-i-s-s-i-n-g~

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

hate u~!

i am a big fat lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzy,stupid,idiotic,useless,worthless,brainless pig!
I HATE U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


that's not the kind of thing i'll do because i don't like reading...
i read harry potter series and percy jackson.
i like both but prefer harry potter :)
harry potter series...
no matter how thick they are i manage finish reading without falling asleep.
weird thing is that i don't know why.
maybe because harry potter series grow up along with me.
what am i talking?
i don't know...
Oops...crazzzzzzzzzzy again :P

last Monday after watching the preview of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part I,i was kinda looking forward to it =D
i wanna watch~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!
3D if can but need to wait till november=(

because of that preview,i reread the book.
reading for the second time make me feel different.
the first time i read i feel excitement.
the second time i read (few days ago until yesterday)i feel lots of touching scene.
i almost cry (some of the part)...
i wonder will i cry when i was watching the movie.
HP&the half blood prince...
the time when i read i almost cry but while watching in cinema,i didn't cry.
maybe because i've already know the story line,
won't touch for the second time?
but by sis was sobbing...

i wish the latest one won't let me down.
hope knowing the storyline won't spoil the show =)
p.s.simone,i don't like reading didn't mean i didn't read your story...
perhaps i like reading but don't know how to choose what type of book to the end i don't want to read :P


Saturday, September 18, 2010

dumb daughter

mama brought her daughter to straighten her hair.
mama wants her daughter to look pretty.
daughter now need to keep fit to look pretty....

Friday, September 17, 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY~~~!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!

suppose to post this yesterday but forgotten...
what to say?
wish all your dreams come true,happy everyday and so on.
hope you won't mind i wish through blog a day late.

this as your birthday gift:


Sunday, September 12, 2010

days as tour guide?

i was trying to upload all the photos here but the stupid connection don't allow me to do so...
i'm kinda lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy to type and i can't really remember things that happen that 3 days.
all of us only have fun on the 1st day i think.
the other 2 days kinda boring and last day pity us.
the lrt broke down.
delayed,delayed and delayed.
we really scared can't catch up the bus.
luckily we stopped in another station and took ktm.
1st time went there.
lucky we didn't sesat.
thank god=)
hope you'll enjoy looking at these boring photos...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

another assignment...

this is the 1 that cause me sleep at 3am and don't have time to study for exam...
all these not drawn by computer...
drawn by hand using pens (0.1 ,0.2 , 0.4 and 0.6)
these were done on A2 size tracing papers...
before these we did another in butter paper using pencils then trace it back using pen..
believe me this kind of tracing is much more complicated and waste time...
now only i know tracing need to use plenty of time.


gin and my 1st house model....
hope you all will find these photos interesting =)

side view...
see the white 'manik' on the fences?
those are 'light/bulb on the fence :D

a zoom in photo of the swimming pool to proof to simone my house model indeed consist of swimmimng pool!haha :D
see!!!got that handle tingy some more!:P

another side view...

i like this photo!
the pebbles look soooooooooooooooooo nice :D
actually the whole house model look much more nice + 'high class' because of those pebbles!
thanks to my dear partner that bring me to fish shop and buy pebbles...
wakakakakakaka XD

front view...
the kitchen... a little dirty 'cause the super glue accidentally dropped onto the floor =(
see the long red thing beside the basin?
that's the fridge!

the toilet...
my friend said that look more like the fan of the 'tit sin' princess in the drama of monkey king.
paiseh la...
my drawing skill not good...
ground floor from top view....

side view with the help on me using a torchlight to make it look like sunlight...

back door....

the cute little baby room!

the bilik sembahyang...

the end!
hope you all enjoy =)

got a little bit more....

the house model was built by looking through these complicated tingy....
used a few days to figure out how to see them correctly.

however,due to some reasons,we modify it...
to a simple version :P

the end..tata!