
Friday, September 3, 2010

bad luck~uh...


today i went to my college to pass up my bonus mark model.
on the way going there,accident happened.

while walking to my college there i saw 3 quite big size people walking towards us.
that time i was chit chatting with my friend.
the biggest among them knocked on my model and the whole model thingy CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just like the picture below!
at 1st i feel nothing but later on when i was trying to fix my model with super glue i can't stick the woods together back to a box shape!
i feel like punching that fat fellow that knocked my model!
lecturer kinda pity me...
she looked at my thingy,
asked bout the 'accident'..
then after thinking for a while,she said "show me the photo" BUT i didn't take pic for this lame model!
then she think again and said never mind...
just pass up this broken stuff...
i was like huh?
i don't want to do again...
so i just did as she told.

this model actually look like got 3 Vs there representing Vivien,Vinny and Vicky kononnya...
(it turns out to be V because i can't make X)
don't let nini and kiki knows...
one V at the right,one V at the left.
another V in the middle but the 1 point part on top while the 2 point part at the bottom part of the wood.
my description kinda lame...hope you all understands
when you turn it and use other way to view,
you actually won't notice the 3 Vs but the combination of them forming lots of zig zag line.
uh... use describing....
i don't know how the lecturer going to imagine it's actual look and give me marks...
up to her...

p.s.can see the small little house there behind the broken model?
it's our(me and hooi chuen/gin) 1st house model~!
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ it
will update more about that model when the photos done.
gin said the photos need to be edited.
i don't have because my phone=capture bad quality photos

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