
Tuesday, September 21, 2010


that's not the kind of thing i'll do because i don't like reading...
i read harry potter series and percy jackson.
i like both but prefer harry potter :)
harry potter series...
no matter how thick they are i manage finish reading without falling asleep.
weird thing is that i don't know why.
maybe because harry potter series grow up along with me.
what am i talking?
i don't know...
Oops...crazzzzzzzzzzy again :P

last Monday after watching the preview of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part I,i was kinda looking forward to it =D
i wanna watch~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!
3D if can but need to wait till november=(

because of that preview,i reread the book.
reading for the second time make me feel different.
the first time i read i feel excitement.
the second time i read (few days ago until yesterday)i feel lots of touching scene.
i almost cry (some of the part)...
i wonder will i cry when i was watching the movie.
HP&the half blood prince...
the time when i read i almost cry but while watching in cinema,i didn't cry.
maybe because i've already know the story line,
won't touch for the second time?
but by sis was sobbing...

i wish the latest one won't let me down.
hope knowing the storyline won't spoil the show =)
p.s.simone,i don't like reading didn't mean i didn't read your story...
perhaps i like reading but don't know how to choose what type of book to the end i don't want to read :P


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