
Tuesday, May 31, 2011


i think i start to understand how my friends feel when i release too much negative power.....
someone's blog is getting more and more negative nowadays and i feel worry for her.
her negative power is getting stronger,feeling the world has no more hope.
actually can anyone help to prevent the pessimistic thought of oneself?
we need to depend on ourselves right?
how to think positive when your life is miserable?

i don't feel my life is that miserable anymore so don't mistake the her as me ok?

Monday, May 30, 2011

flu because of allegic or flu due to some other reason?
never mind...
will find out tomorrow after i clean up my room....
if i am hardworking enough to remember doing so...


i HATE this!
WHY i always sick??????????!!!!
SERIOUS flu 3 days....
feel damn weak....

and my result...not that good....
>>>>flu gets worst...
so..this few days day off.
i don't feel like cooking but...
will eating outside food make my sickness more serious?


not anymore...
last week my sis saw the tortoise in my grandpa's house eating the dog food.
dog food=everything eatable.
anyway,she said that day dog's meal was pig liver...
tortoise eat pig liver!EW~~~
even the nature is changing.
normal stuff turn abnormal....
are we,humans normal anymore???

Sunday, May 29, 2011

i thought...

i thought i'll be very free onlining since friday and got no where to go but no.
Friday i planned to register my subjects and then take my results if it's out then go back and online whole day.
what happened was i went to my college,i called and confirm others see if they register already or not.
then,i helped 3 of them registered.
waiting for that coordinator is so a waste of time.
going to the exam unit there worst.
results out.
asked the only person in the office,he said waits till 3pm.
i guess the person in charge is not back from lunch yet.
i've promise a friend of mine to accompany her to find the location of the place she need to go next week for job interview.
she waited for me in the college more than 1/2 hour for the registering thingy.
i don't want her wait for me for another 1/2 hour again.
we went to search for the place and took a bus to Sunway Pyramid.
the bus to Sunway supposed to enable us see the place she seek for but we didn't see the Campbell company.
wanted to watch movie but didn't buy tickets when we saw overflowing crowds.

my friend wanted to watch pirates of the carribean. we went out on saturday just to watch movie.The movie quite ok.not very nice,not very bad.
LOL!lame comment.

what caught my attention is handsome guy.LOL
before movie starts,i saw the handsome logan lerman in the trailer of the 3 musketeers.
he's handsome but the whole trailer give me one feeling,weird.
almost everyone in the movie is old...i mean matured.
he seems to be the only kid in the movie although i don't think 19 is a kiddo but his height makes him so timid when he's standing with other actors....
he even look younger than 19!!!!!!
ah!my look is so old....=(

not sure i'm going to watch or not.
not attracted by the trailer...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

zzzzzZ is sooooooooo not a way to solve problems.
in fact,everytime you wake up and sleeps again hoping what happens is just a dream will make things worst.....
i've been through it.
i understand.
i wonder will she read this.

selfish is a way to protect oneself.

however,it's hard to be selfish in certain condition....

Thursday, May 26, 2011


these were the stuff i did during my looooooooooooong sem break.....
perhaps i wasted most of my time but who cares....
as long as i enjoy my days everything is worthwhile....
let's see what i did.
1)Drink my favourite Ipoh White Coffee
2)Went to Clearwater and some kind of church activities
3)Celebrated my sister Vinny's birthday on the 11 May
4)Buy chocolates for myself but got eaten by my cousins
5)Eat dim sum at foo san
6)Drink fresh black bean soya drink,tau fu fah and normal soya
7)Celebrated my birthday which i think is tooooooo early...
things i did which i don't have pictures:
1)went out Sing K with a few old friends twice
2)went to watch movie with old classmates
3)invited a friend to come my house and chit-chat because her mom don't allow her to go outside
4)watch tv(cartoons mostly)non stop :X
5)'exercising' as suggested by jean in a not so effective way which is....

playing my cousins' PS dancing machine game for a week!
i don't think i lost any weight but never mind
i enjoyed it thou being laugh by kids saying i'm not as good as them.

p.s.i don't want to start sem 4....

wrong timing....

when i online,
nobody is free to post anything at their blogs.
when i didn't online,
everybody seems so free and post lots of stuff.
i'm so.....

Monday, May 23, 2011

1st yamcake made by me!

thanks for the Yam for providing me the yam!
learn how to make yam cake from my housemate.Mom knew about it so she wanted me to make since grandpa bought 4 yams!
i used 1 and a half for yamcake and half for bubur cha cha.
another 2 yams my aunt use for cooking 扣肉.
sorry i don't know扣肉English name.
Anyway,this is the yam cake!

Friday, May 20, 2011

great insult D=

i got insulted by a pants my mom bought for me yesterday!
the saleslady said i can't wear M or L.
need to take XL because these pants cutting kinda small.
i tired it when i got home and i was !@#$%^&**&^@!@#$%^&$
i can't wear!!!!!!!!!!
i can't wear XL!!!!!
and my pants all kinda...
start to can't fit the overweight me D'=
weird part...
the upper part of my body,my face and hands didn't get any fatter but from waist to toes...
growing horizontally!
horizontal and vertical..
that a joke my mom make when my sister growing taller.
she grow vertically while i grow horizontally.

done joking.hope you enjoy reading this stupid post.
p.s.i'm not joking about my weight that's going +++.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

a visit to Clearwater Sanctuary,Batu Gajah

as u can see from the title i went to Clearwater last Sunday.
I'm not a member there.My uncle is but our visit got nothing to do with him.
My mum,my youngest sis and I went there because it's a trip organize by a church my sis goes weekly. Another sis didn't go because she got tuitions!too bad~

These are some of the pictures taken there.
My fringe.....disaster.
actually quite fun thou we missed lots of fun.=.=lll
it rained that day so we missed the bird watching,kayak-ing and some other stuff.

the two stupid and weird photos below=games.
i feel old because the old people willing joined the games while i keep on thinking about running away.
old people...i mean senior citizen if this sounds nicer,their hearts is much more younger than mine.
youth hearts i suppose.
i don't feel like admitting it....
i actually feel less stress and enjoy singing praises.
i love it when the song that i am familiar with is played.
i feel like a kid again.
the time when i used to go to church regularly.
but i seldom pray....shhh......
i'm wondering will i feel better,
less emo,
less problems IF i go to church near the place i stay in PJ weekly....
i'm a lazzzzzzzzzzy bug.
i always think think think and say say say without making them to action.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

new look :)

the new look is not going to look good but never mind...
i want a little change because i'm very bored with my current look.
just going to let my fringe long which i refuse to let them long for years....
i will look stupid and old and idiotic but never mind.

p.s.i wonder will i fail and chop it off.

Monday, May 9, 2011


everytime when relatives asked my mom about her girls having bf or not her reaction will be BIG.
she'll said "NONONO!
aiyor......don't want them have any bf now!
not time yet!
what for depends on man?
relationship is something hard to judge.
better depend on themselves.
all i want is just them concentrate on their studies.
don't ever go and find a bf before finish studying."

don't worry i won't have bf yet because i'm not ready?
i like handsome guys and i can't see any here in Malaysia.
also even if i meet handsome guys they won't want me.
i'm a girl that no boys will like and i don't trust the opposite sex.
and with the don't like talking attitude of mine and only chat with strangers girls a.k.a. ?web friends? it's so 0.000000000000000000001% for me to meet guys or fall for them.
no worries! =)