
Sunday, February 26, 2012


is this me?
or i barely know myself?
anyway,i agree with the part i have to work very hard to succeed.
so...i have to force myself to work very hard and stop being lazy :(

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

the 人/ren building

sadly it's not my design.
this is the idea for my cafe design and after working on this idea thingy,i found out that there is already a ren building design in year 2010(not build yet).
i am 2 years late and i was trying to make my ren both horizontal and vertical.
i my idea of ren is just the not challenging plan view.
the Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) make it vertical and also more artistic.
mine...haven't come out with the facade and elevations yet and i need to let lecturer see tomorrow :(

Ren Building, Shanghai

i didn't search this ren idea from internet. i hate it when i my idea is same with others or using/mixing other people's ideas to be my idea.

maybe it's because someone told me this:
why you never produce at artwork of yourself?why everytime you use other people's artwork to mix and match?

here's my lame bubble diagram and the rejected plan view...
need to work on it again. :(
sorry for the blur phone camera sucks.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


this scares me...
but i still feel like continuing....
inilah degil namanya...haha

the best thing in life

having family and getting support from family.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

stupid MUET

because i didn't take MUET examination i cannot apply for government universities.
stupid MUET.
it's not the government fault or MUET's fault.
i know is my fault not going to form 6 and not taking MUET exam but i feel better blaming others.
stupid vivien.
if only i found out earlier,i should have taken MUET and can apply for government unis.
take MUET this year and try apply next year?
now my course is consider as not complete after the deadlines of every scholarship and government unis.
should i try the old way applying the newspapers scholarship first with my uncomplete results or wait till next year gov uni applications and newspapers scholarship?

if i apply and get a private uni scholarship through newspapers,i still need to support my living expenses....lots of $$ will fly away.
if i am studying in private uni and apply for gov uni and get it,what will happen to me?
i think i need to pay for going against the contract....
AH!why getting a degree is so damn hard?

Monday, February 6, 2012

my plan?

i think i will continue architecture course for my degree cause i don't know what to choose if i don't continue. I don't feel like turning back to business course although i don't hate business. Besides, i feel like it's a waste of time spending 2+ years and then only give up?
no way.

Some people said if you really know deep down in your heart that you are not suitable for this career,you should turn to a better road that you feel more comfortable to spend with for the rest of your life.

my BIG problem. I don't know what i want. I only know what i don't want.

i told Yam and Jean some crap like
assume i gt job for training in may and ended in july(if i pass),i'll continue my job(if employer want me) until i get my leaving cert or accepted by government uni.
if gov uni don't accept me, i'll start working in that company if the job is suitable for me.

the continue working won't allow.
she want me to finish my degree only start working and i think maybe she's right.
lots of people don't go back to study the moment they step into the 'work' world.

if during training i feel like the work is suitable for me then i'll continue. what if the training makes me feel like this job is not suitable for me?

i need a backup plan and i don't have one. any suggestion?
although the probability of changing course is low,i feel secure to have a backup plan.
what kind of business course is suitable for me?
no accounting...tq.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

wrong decision???

i think i make a wrong decision by not buying the RM255 using book voucher.
the book seems very useful.
but if i bought it and not continue this course,it will be much more waste.
i want to continue architecture in degree but i don't think i can make it to the real architecture world.
should i continue or change course?