
Saturday, February 11, 2012

stupid MUET

because i didn't take MUET examination i cannot apply for government universities.
stupid MUET.
it's not the government fault or MUET's fault.
i know is my fault not going to form 6 and not taking MUET exam but i feel better blaming others.
stupid vivien.
if only i found out earlier,i should have taken MUET and can apply for government unis.
take MUET this year and try apply next year?
now my course is consider as not complete after the deadlines of every scholarship and government unis.
should i try the old way applying the newspapers scholarship first with my uncomplete results or wait till next year gov uni applications and newspapers scholarship?

if i apply and get a private uni scholarship through newspapers,i still need to support my living expenses....lots of $$ will fly away.
if i am studying in private uni and apply for gov uni and get it,what will happen to me?
i think i need to pay for going against the contract....
AH!why getting a degree is so damn hard?

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