
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

a dog is better than me...:(

last saturday i heard the dog that my grandpa brought back start barking!
i know in you all's opinion,a dog bark=normal but this dog is different.
this dog got human phobia...just like me.haha!:D
the dog usually ran away when it saw human except my grandpa...
and i didn't hear it bark before.last saturday was the 1st time i heard it bark.
after 2 weeks or more,the dog start barking.It begin to fear less human...
but the dog scared me!i don't know why...not only dog,human also got some(last time a lot) scared me.maybe because of my look.i don't smile much....haha:D
i'm wondering when will i be okay,when will i recover from human phobia.haha:D
let's guess the dog will recover 1st or me..haha!

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