
Monday, September 21, 2009

hari raya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

arvindar......gave us a terkejut look...

people who attended plus 2 more late comers who are not in the pic...

today i went siti's house.
siti=my classmate.
1st time went to malay's house to celebrate raya.
i love the food especiaslly the chicken!!!
something like rendang+curry...
very delicious!yum yum yum~
one of the latecomer(suet kee),she got her contact lens...
she tried to wear it there.
almost an hour only she able to put the contact lens in her eyes with the help of siti's mother/sister(not sure...)haha!
i planned to buy contact lens too to use on grad night because my table is far away from stage!!!
i can't see a thing leh and if i wear my glasses,
how am i suppose to wear the mask?
after i saw the way suet kee wear contact lens....i feel like...
but when other people uses her lens to wear,
they can wear easily...
they said it's because that suet kee's eyes are too small to put the lens in...
i wish i will be able to put it in easier IF i buy contact lens...

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