
Thursday, August 26, 2010

something i found in facebook....








盼: 来生,再续前缘...

愿: 来生,还能再见...

i don't really understand and can't read all the words but i guess i get the main point =)


i's about someone with dimple....

the reason they got dimple and bla bla bla....

said about 'man po' soup...

the chinese believes that everyone drinks this soup before rebirth...

the article...

is it an article?

well...don't know...haha =D

don't care =P

it says that dimple=a mark

people who got dimple actually trade with the old woman known as 'man po'.

due to certain reasons,they are not willing to drink the soup.

not willing to forget their past life.

'man po' does not has any choice.

she promises them but mark them with dimple and make them jump into the river忘川河,(i've no idea what river is that...)suffer the feeling of drowning and being burn(or something like that)up to a thousand year before they rebirth.

then,they'll bring alone the dimples and the memory of the previous life to look for their lover from the past life.

i think this.....

is kinda.....


why choose to suffer just to find the lover?

i don't think it worth.

yet i got dimple...


haha =D

the last part request everyone to appreciate those who have dimple and don't ever hurt them^^


my conclusion:someone with dimples created this because he/she want to be appreciate.



i APPRECIATE ALL of you no matter you have dimple or not =)

p.s.if what stated in it is true,i keep my memory of previous life with dimple mark on me because i want to find back my family members and the friends i appreciate.

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