
Saturday, January 29, 2011

being home..

felt much more secure than being outside there...
i love coming home..
i feel safe and protected...
maybe it's because i always feel like my life is in danger and i also put the people around me in danger...
i don't mean to do so...
it's my's my fault...
i know that but i really don't mean to do so....
hope an angel will come to me and teach me how to solve all my problems...
really really pressure and it make me sick physically and mentally....
this few days i can't breathe properly...
keep on feeling dizzy and lack of oxygen...

had apillow talk with my sis yesterday night..
she told me that she's different again in the way she see things and my mum and i said that as grown up..
she told me her stories and the people around her(her school mates being crazy about guys,wish to have boyfriends..those nerdy friends also have same thought bla bla bla)
then told me she's Asst. of Head Librarian now..
i told her i thought she'll be the Head instead of congratulating her.
congrats sis for not being the head because head got much more work to do... turn to tell her my pressure,my life,my stupid stories and things i have to face and i don't know how and i did something i hate.
i cried....

i have been crying for a few times this month....hate it.

last year cry 2 or 3 times in a year due to my emotions but this month i cry 3 times !!!

stupid useless me....

my assignments...

rush my human figure scale 1:1 of my size(extremely embarrassing...) although lecturer said can pass up on the 7 Feb but i pass up early because i'll ponteng...
won't go college on that day since on the 8th till 10th there'll be a trip in Perak(Ipoh and Taiping i think).
what for going there and come back again when i am already here?
waste my precious time being with family..
i'll be waiting them at 1pm at Ipoh's railway station while the others wait at KL Sentral at 8.30am to take a train and come to my hometown.

back to the topic...
my assignment....
this is the pic.
mine quite flexible,it even can make yoga post that yoga master can't make.
(unfortunately,i don't have a pic of that pose)
all hands and legs put together on top of it's body so that i can bring it to college easier but not less embarrassing ='(
other parts quite ok but the body...
i cut until like being bite by mice ='( as suggested by jeannie.
something i am familiar with which my friend didn't see before.
a pin ?with two legs?
anyway,i found the big version of this pin and use it for the arms and the legs and regretted it because the smaller pin is much more cheaper,better looking and can stand the weight...
i only use the smaller pin for the hands and feet.
my mistake for not trying the smaller pins before buying the big ones. my skinny friend's polystyrene human figure...
so call non recyclable tingy pretend to be recyclable...
hers much more neater than mine.
also more expensive la but only a little...
both of us bring this two dummies to college by walking + lrt...
along the way as expected...
both of us received stares, shocked faces and also loud laughs...
the most embarrassing and biggest assignment ever (until now).....

worst still...we met a heavy rain on our way to lrt station and to our college...
what to do?
funnier thing,we used umbrellas to prevent the rainwater touch our dummies not us...
another experience others don't have.
is this something good or bad?
nice story to be told...agree?

another assignment...the 1 billion thingy...i spent lots of time making this collection of pictures and typing the name of places but it only appear less than a minute...
stupid me..waste time on useless stuff and didn't make the presentation well and didn't make the slides look attractive and make myself look stupid in front there and and and bla bla bla...
anyway,it's over...hahahahaha!
let's forget about it=)

i've got something other's don't...

the experience of chasing the train and...

despite the awful luck and every serious bad things that happen recently which i don't feel like sharing here,i'm glad i caught up the train....

stupid lrt,broke down on the day i need to go home but if it didn't break down,i won't have this experience that not much people have....

Thursday, January 27, 2011



Tuesday, January 25, 2011

21.1.2011 & 24.1.2011

have a date with sam...
not sam c.kar mun,
an old friend from dear old mgs.
she lives in PJ too.
2 lrt station away from me...
date with her because she's too lonely there with her not so good heart nurse fellow friends...

first destination:
ate taiwanese snow and chat there for a long time.
then walked to Fahrenheit...
2nd destination.
simply look around and take some pics.
the shops there not fully open yet.
(ckm don't let me post any of her pics here or facebook'll look like only me shopping=[ )

3rd destination,sungai wang.
ate madam wong's set.
i can't finish the set because kinda big and i was sick.
don't have appetite...
before that ckm went to kfc,ate cheesy wedges.
i just look at her eating..
LOL...i mean she eat i talk non stop...

4th destination,
times square.
we didn't eat all this dishes because they are fake.
part of the decor of time square.
extremely 'fong fu' reunion dinner.
the end...i don't know what i should type here but i enjoy listening to her stories and telling her my pathetic life stories......
after she heard my stories,she feel like the problems she faced not as great as mine..
i should be grateful because she feel better or feel sad because of my unfortunate?
i wish i can forget about my pathetic life and be cheerful...
never mind..
i least i was happen when talking with those i think that cared about me.=]

went to a stationary shop to buy something..
pass by kfc.
i was super duper hungry.
asked Gin to go in and eat with me XD

the new ice cream named indulgence...
nice but super disappointed because it turned out to be superb smalll ='[
also ate hotdogs with cheese inside=D
but kinda regretted having kfc because when we went to SS2 pasar malam with ckm,
both of us lost our appetite.
meet again with ckm because she was free and being in pj for 1/2 year she didn't go to any pasar malam before.

we ate fried ice cream.
then ate taiwanese set dinner...
we can't finish all the dishes.....

Thursday, January 20, 2011

if i have 1 billion....

stupid assignment....
if i have 1 billion i don't know what to do because i don't have and don't dare to think about it...
i want something interesting to present about for this stupid title....
but all i could think of are food,travel,charity and invest to make more $$...
what will you do if you have 1 billion?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


is it fun to stalk someone???
let's see anyone with such experience tell me...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

clothes~~~ ❤

thou they are very normal but i bought them because....
me myself not sure why.
just feel like buying..

this one...RM15,bought because it fit both of our taste and plan to wear the same clothes one day.
hers is grey mine is my favourite purple!

bought from F.O.S.
don't want to buy at 1st but buying 3=rm45.
each of us choose 1.

this one rm10.
also plan to wear same style(gold+white) tee together whenever feel like doing so.
seriously,am i too old to play dress alike?
well...i didn't play that when i was a teen.
now being an adult,i still want to behave like a teen.
get back what i lost :P

this....rm10 too.
pink..yucks!the colour i hate but then why i buy?
because i like lubang lubang!
the pink part style is full of small little holes...
it's the only colour left.i got no choice.
i thought maybe if i don't like later,i'll give it to my sis.
hehe...she don't mind be my recycle bin i guess.

buy at pasar malam.
my friend dare me to wear yellow because she didn't see me wearing yellow clothes because i don't have one and i keep on saying i don't like yellow.
very =.=lll right?
crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy people(me) do crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy stuff :P

Saturday, January 15, 2011

i am...

i don't know why but i always am....

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

warmth ♥

i found this when i was searching for something in my file...
plan to post it the day i wrote but forgotten.

most of the time,i don't know how to speak out or who to speak to.
telling others about my problems make me feel like burdening them thou when someone tell me her problems i won't feel burden.....
thus,i usually scribble draw write whenever i saw a paper near me.

wrote this two little notes[?] during 2nd sem break(last year).
plan to throw it away right after i wrote but a little voice inside me telling me to put there,which someone will see it and give me support...
when i heard that little voice,i left the trash i wrote,went somewhere else and wish when i come back i'll get something i expect.

after i've done what i should done and come back,i saw this.
exactly from person i expect.
(you see!i know you soooooo well leh but you don't visit my blog de)
it's just some simple stupid stuff a little girl wrote.
(thou she's not little anymore her mind and behaviour still like a primary kid)
although it's just a simple rubbish crap encouraging words[?] but you will feel the warmth of family love (i can't believe i'm saying this) from your family and get strength to move on.

♥ you!and mama and little sis....

Saturday, January 8, 2011



i've been stalking him and wishing he'll add me thou i know it's impossible...

OMG!he's not handsome anymore and i got no feelings towards him but why i am wishing that he'll add me?


random stuff...

found out 2 things from fb yesterday...
1.i got a pretty cousin that became the Champion of Beauty Pageant during her tuition(Steven a.k.a. CK Tey maths tuition)farewell dinner.Congrats.

2.a guy that used to be handsome become so not handsome after he grew up....

ignore me....this is a stupid post....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Singapore trip + Johor =)

From Ipoh Railway Station....

this photo taken long long ago not during the trip.
Just use it to show the railway station.XD

Singapore Railway Station
Going to stop the train service of this station due to some 'fight' between Malaysia and Singapore.

Inside the ?lobby? of the station...

Exterior of the station...

One of the statues.I personally think they are scary because they kinda look like those Greek Gods statues?

[located a street behind Chinatown]
this hotel name is actually a joke when we talk about it.
in don't know what movie(because i didn't watch before) Maggie Cheung was the boss(i think) of a hotel call Long Mun Hak Zhan while this hotel called Long Hak Zhan.
Mum made a joke said see we'll meet a boss like Maggie Cheung or not.=.=lll
Of course we didn't meet the star but we met rude China lady(the receptionist)
stayed here because it's very near to my aunt and uncle's house.

mirror mirror on the wall,even if you don't tell me i know i am the fattest of them all.
i look so damn fat especially with those giant legs and big butt!='(

Indian temple?what so special?
look more new than Malaysia's...LOL!
actually the special part is the door..
they are bells!haha :D

This a joke.
is a joke because of it's name.
it's the name of a celebrity.
Never mind....ignore me.

Marina Bay
the Merlion and the Sands?
that building....i only remember chinese name金沙.

nice angle?mum took.
haha!she's a good photographer but i'm not=(

the 'durian'...
another building in Marina Bay...


The Star Cruise(i think) behind us.

i love this.
the stairs look so so so so sooooooo coOL!

The green tingy not only on to of the ceiling.
You can see it from the ground floor 'menjalar' until the top floor.
it reminded me about Jack and the beanstalk.
i wonder did the designer get the idea from that story...

tallest Christmas tree in Singapore.

getting milk from GreEn cows?
we got green milk...
Outside Vivocity's foodcourt...

in a street at night time?
it's inside of the food court!!!
cool right?

cupcake with popia fillings...
thick bee hoon with milk soup and fried fish with milk flavour...
thou i don't like to drink milk except HL,this noodles taste good.
and healthy too^^
Singaporean style Har Mee....
fried Har Mee...
1st time eat dry har mee...LOL
quite nice=)

Sentosa Island

think,think,think,think,think and think....
what we get?

Vinny:i am tooth fairy.Gimmi your tooth!

Orchard Road
only got little photos of orchard road because we were in the wrong bus.
suppose....we don't have time for orchard road.need to rush back to my aunt's place for our journey to Johor.
Anyway,manage to have a little snaps near the bus stop while waiting for the correct bus..

with limited $$,i only brought this few souvenirs...='(
sorry for those i can't give...
one of them is mine
at 1st i wanted to buy Yammie and Jeannie chopsticks with their surname and the 'asal-usul' of it but i forgotten Yammie's yen is 言or颜or ony other yens...=(
also got a few friends i am not really sure what their surname is...
being in english/malay school=don't know friend's chinese surname =(
anyway,since bananas can't read chinese,perhaps not buying chopsticks=good decision.

Johor Bahru
Sutera mall...

Dishes prepared by my aunt.
the red tingy=tomato with the appearance of a rabbit.
those smaller orange tomatoes also got 3 are rabbits.
Our steamboat+tempanyaki dishes...
That's all...i think..
hope you all enjoy those weird things i type...