
Sunday, January 2, 2011

WOO HOO~~~~~~!

although a day late...
hope you all don't mind =)
i can't online via pc for a week='(
wanna know why?
because i went to Singapore and Johor!
hahahahahaha :D
hope my life will get better this year and the next and the next and the next next next......
i've gone through a complicated,frustrating,annoying,heartbroken bla bla bla throughout the 2010 and i know a few people i concern feel the same too especially the last few months of 2010.
come on!
we have to cheer up and get the strength to go on.
start everything and make those unfortunate stuff of us to something we want.
i support you!
hope you all support me too.

i got souvenirs for some of you since i don't have extra money to spent for more friends.
sorry for those i couldn't give.
forgive me for being poor ok?
i only got 6 souvenirs....
let's see...
i'll give to those i meet 1st!

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