
Saturday, January 29, 2011

being home..

felt much more secure than being outside there...
i love coming home..
i feel safe and protected...
maybe it's because i always feel like my life is in danger and i also put the people around me in danger...
i don't mean to do so...
it's my's my fault...
i know that but i really don't mean to do so....
hope an angel will come to me and teach me how to solve all my problems...
really really pressure and it make me sick physically and mentally....
this few days i can't breathe properly...
keep on feeling dizzy and lack of oxygen...

had apillow talk with my sis yesterday night..
she told me that she's different again in the way she see things and my mum and i said that as grown up..
she told me her stories and the people around her(her school mates being crazy about guys,wish to have boyfriends..those nerdy friends also have same thought bla bla bla)
then told me she's Asst. of Head Librarian now..
i told her i thought she'll be the Head instead of congratulating her.
congrats sis for not being the head because head got much more work to do... turn to tell her my pressure,my life,my stupid stories and things i have to face and i don't know how and i did something i hate.
i cried....

i have been crying for a few times this month....hate it.

last year cry 2 or 3 times in a year due to my emotions but this month i cry 3 times !!!

stupid useless me....

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