
Sunday, January 16, 2011

clothes~~~ ❤

thou they are very normal but i bought them because....
me myself not sure why.
just feel like buying..

this one...RM15,bought because it fit both of our taste and plan to wear the same clothes one day.
hers is grey mine is my favourite purple!

bought from F.O.S.
don't want to buy at 1st but buying 3=rm45.
each of us choose 1.

this one rm10.
also plan to wear same style(gold+white) tee together whenever feel like doing so.
seriously,am i too old to play dress alike?
well...i didn't play that when i was a teen.
now being an adult,i still want to behave like a teen.
get back what i lost :P

this....rm10 too.
pink..yucks!the colour i hate but then why i buy?
because i like lubang lubang!
the pink part style is full of small little holes...
it's the only colour left.i got no choice.
i thought maybe if i don't like later,i'll give it to my sis.
hehe...she don't mind be my recycle bin i guess.

buy at pasar malam.
my friend dare me to wear yellow because she didn't see me wearing yellow clothes because i don't have one and i keep on saying i don't like yellow.
very =.=lll right?
crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy people(me) do crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy stuff :P

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