
Sunday, November 29, 2009

~Tag: 32 Things You Don't Know About Me Until You Read This:

tagged by Kole
~Tag: 32 Things You Don't Know About Me Until You Read This:
1. What colour is your toothbrush?
♥`` purple
2. Name one person that made you smile today.
♥`` no one
3. What were you doing at 8 AM?
♥`` sidai baju...
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
♥`` watching tv
5. What was the last thing you had to drink?
6. Who is the last person who sent a message to you on Facebook?
7. Ever go camping?
♥`` yup!
8. Do you go to church every Sunday?
♥`` no...5-6 years went on Saturday...
9. What did your last text message say?
♥`` don't know
10. Where is your dad?
♥``don't know and don't wish to know
11. Look to your left, what do you see?
♥`` a piano
12. What color is your watch?
♥`` Black
13. What were you doing at midnight last night?
14. How old are you?
♥`` 17+
15. Do you want to change your name?
♥`` for what?i love my name...
16. How many kids do you want to have?
♥`` don't know...perhaps zero because i'm not going to marry?
17. Would you kiss any of your Facebook friends?
18. Who are the best huggers that you know?
♥``don't know
19. List three favorite colors/shades.
♥`` purple!
♥`` black
♥`` white
20. Have you ever fallen in love?
♥`` yes.....
21. How did you get your worst scar?
♥`` don't lots of scars...don't know which 1 worst..haha=D
22. Do you like cats?
23. Do you love anyone?
♥`` family and friends
24. What do you hope to get on your birthday?
♥``something DIY
25. Do you plan any trip for your next coming?
♥`` wish to go Johor to visit my grandparents
26. What do you usually do during the day?
♥`` eat,online,tv,scolding my sis...haha!i'm bad!
27. Do you hate anyone that you know right now?
♥`` maybe...not sure
28. Is anyone jealous of you?
♥`` no because i own nothing
29. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time?
♥`` don't have
30. Last song listened to?
♥`` can't remember...
31. Who's the last person you talked to on the phone?
♥`` my mother
32. What is your favorite number?
♥`` don't have
Tag 5 people to do the same thing:
simone,jean mae and whoever that wish to be tag...

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