
Monday, January 11, 2010

suppose to work from 9am-11am...
then continue working from 3pm to 10pm.
11am-3pm i didn't go home.
i stayed there to continue the work i didn't complete two days ago.
then i thought i'll have plenty of time to colour the things i should long time ago but...
in the end only 1 hour left for me to colour them... haiz~=(
actually also planned to use 1 hour to sleep but no time for that...haiz~

continue working from 3pm till 5pm at ipoh jaya.
then went to pasir puteh branch...
start working from 6pm-10pm.
very tired~~~!
reached home around 11.15pm.
after bath and continue those handwork sample that i need to touch up for chinese new year...
1.30am only sleep~!

saturday worst~!
can't wake up on time~!
that stupid alarm spoil!
need to reach there at 8.30am but i woke up at 8.15am!!!!!!
rush like mad~!
looked at the mirror...
gosh~!my eye~!
left eye bengkak...
kinda pain...
i look like ghost...until now still bengkak...:'(

stopped in a restaurant which is in the same row with the art centre.
brought 2 kaya pau and ate on the way wlking there.
no one realize i late...
in fact,there's another teacher/helper not reach yet.....
saturday..helped a while in ipoh jaya as the class start at 9am.
i was sent to pasir puteh again.
class start at 10am!
means will end at 10pm!!!!
argh~!need work 1 extra hour!
after being 'gek sei' by some naughty kids in the morning classes....
get fed up...
i lost my tempered...
suddenly scolded a few kids..they get scolded innocently...
some go and scold "you so big already!you don't know how to choose colour yourself ar~!"
when i checked their P-forms...
some of them only 7...
i said"you learn so long already la,you still don't know want to use what colour ar?huh?!"
then again,
they are new!
whatever...i don't feel like working anymore~!

more relax...
things i not yet complete boss did not allow me to take home.
said i need rest... longer time to sleep...
woke up at 9am...
prepare and eat and stuff...
reach there 1st again...
i don't like being late.
but within 2 weeks..both saturday i also not the first 1 reach...
1st saturday aunt late,
2nd saturday i'm the one late.
feel very relax on sunday because only work from 11am-7pm.
but i cause a student's P-form lost~!
useless t.vivien!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haiz~boss didn't scold me..
only show angry face.
that day boss mood not bad gua...
conclusion:i am sooooooooooooooooo USELESS!
this job not suitable for me...
now waiting to be fire!haha!

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