
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

a meet-people-day...=)[don't read..kinda long and boring{crap a lot}]

today(6/1/2010)i went to take my undang exam.
i met 3 girls that used to go to school by bus(same bus with me).
at 1st i saw 2 girls wearing same T-shirt(school club or something looking and pointing at me.
when i want to walk nearer to them,the person in charge called me.
i steeped backward.
she ordered me to get into the grey car at the opposite road.
saw a short hair girl's back and a little bit of her spec...
she's like kinda sengaja avoiding me.
don't want me to see her face i guess....
i didn't look at her face since she didn't want me to see how she look like.
plus,i was 'busy' reading my undang because....
i'm a lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy pig...
i register before i finish reading the 500 questions...
even the moment when i need to take exam i still not yet finish reading.

the two girls that pointed at me get into the car.
i saw them.
they are actually ex-AMC students that i know through my ex-scchool bus.
not close but know who they are la.
gave them a smile and the one name fishy said"eh~i thought u can't remember/recognize me."
me:"oh~i didn't wear spec...can't see.hehe~"
fishy:"both of you take undang test?"
(both of them not taking undang)
i nodded wondering who is the one(the girl that wears spec) sitting beside me without looking at her~!
AH~!crazy~~want to know who of course need to look right?
i didn't look at her.

in the car that person in charge said"hong an nei,bla bla bla~!
me talking to myself without speaking it out...
WHAT~!HONG AN NEI?no...impossible...
same name only or maybe she called the wrong name...
i continue reading...

when i reached the place to take our test,an indian girl passed us numbers.
i choose 12 so that girl took 11.
when they called my number an asked me to write my name,
i looked at the previous name...
Hong An Nei...
loo at her IC...
100% confirm is her~!
her ic number only got 4 numbers different with my sis...
their birthday...
2 middle numbers different becuase H.An Nei not born in perak...
behind 4 numbers only 1 different~!

i went back to my place.
sit there to wait till my turn to take test.
when an nei came back from toilet...i talked to her.
me:wei~!enough la you!why since i stepped into the car until now you also didn't talk to me?why you can't talk 1st jek?everytime also i talk first...cannot tahan la~!
[i pretended as if i know it's her from the beginning...haha=D she didn't realise i'm acting because after some training...i'm kinda good in acting}
me:why you cut short hair?so not like didn't cut this short before right?why so sudden?
she:erm..want change new style ar.
me:you so sanggup?not like you woor....
and bla bla bla...
i kept on talking and annoy her because finish reading my 500 questions and don't feel like repeating...

took the test...
8 colour blind questions...
5 choosing the number plat.
this 2 section must get all corrent.if not your eyes 100% got problem...
another 1 is the 50 questions part.
around 15+minutes finished the test but this one cannot risk.
double checked them...found out that i got a few questions...around 5,answered blindly~!
the word SALAH i see as BETUL and the word BETUL i see as SALAH~!
luckily doble checked.
passing marks=42/50.
my heart beating VERY FAST~!actually not very fast...just a little bit...
i scared need to take the test again.
clicked confirm.
came out 1 sijil like tingy on the screen...
look and loook and looooooooooook...
but still can't find my marks~!
at last found!
bahagian A 14/15
bahagian B 22/25
bahagian C 10/10
jumlah 46/50
markah lulus 42/50
YAY~!i almost shouted out...
i passed~!no need to read anymore.
no need to waste money retake.
no need to be embarrass because passed without having to take 2nd paper like most of the people~!

went out of that exam room and keep on talking/annoy H.An Nei again...
suddenly i said:wei~!monday i day off.let's go out watch movie/shopping loh~want?but you sure say cannot la because your mom over protective...
han:let me ask 1st...

now i'm waiting for her to reply...
this time...i got a feeling telling me the percentage of H.A.N. can go out is higher than usual...
wish me luck okay?

by the way,kole...
i wish too meet you too before you go UTAR but this is not possible because you won't be able to come out on monday and i won't be free on sunday...need to work from 11am-7pm non stop.
saturday worst...
tired~~~hope this month end fast so that i can get my salary fast and feel like this is actually worth...haha~!
mata duitan$.$

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