
Saturday, January 2, 2010


working as an art teacher...
i am suppose to teach 4-8 years old kids...
if other teacher not free only help till 9-12 years old kids..
yesterday start working from 2.30pm-10pm...
8-10pm teach 3 indian girls from MGS primary...
before that i was preparing things for saturday and sunday...

today worked from 9am-9pm...
AH~!tired because only got 2 teachers but lots of students.
i only in charge maximum 6 students because i can't handle...
i'm a failure...9as usual)
another teacher...the boss,she can handle 15++ students for every class~!

when she needed my help for those take attendence and giving back the kids their previous drawing/art work...
out of 10 students...
i only able to call out 2 because.....
why can't they write both language there?
in the end...
i asked those kids to come and find their own things...
asked them take it themselves...=(

i'm still confuse with those taking attendence forms...
got 3 forms...
i only able to fill 1 because another 2 is kinda confusing...:'(
actually only 1 confusing...
another 1 have dificulities because all chinese names and need to depends on the confusing form to mark...
shit la~~~
how to tahan 3 months???

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