
Monday, December 7, 2009

preparation for bbq...

a map i draw on EA paper 1...
finish paper 1 in half hour...
paper 2 very hard...
i do all 6 questions although only need to do 4...

this sunday going to organize a BBQ party by my sis and me!
actually i am not the organizer...
i'm only the participate..haha!
my sister and her 3 best friends planning and discussing in one of the girls' house now...
they will plan what to buy and so on because they wanted a BBQ party since May...
everytime my sis has party,her gang will be lots of people and me...
eating alone...force to be a part of them because that's my dinner!
so i decided to invite my friends to this bbq party!haha!:D
whoever interested let me know ok?
held on this sunday...
13 December 2009
in my house...
start 7pm...
need to pay RM7 because no adults sponser...
in adults will be involve in this bbq unless you bring your boyfriends...
although i don't like boys...
haiz~your wish la as long as you pay $$!

i wish to invite simone but she will only be back in Malaysia on 14th...
a day later...
i still don't know who else i want to invite...
tell me if you are interested!ok?

p.s.actually some people...i don't really like them but invited them by accident because i want her friend to come...
i don't know why i don't like her...
maybe because i got some kind of weird feeling about her...
to me...
she's the kind of girl that will only asked for your help but need to think a long time to decide weather to help you or not...
and she's the kind that will not appreciate friends...
that's what i feel about her....
i wish i'll have fun ^.^

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