
Thursday, December 31, 2009

happy! ^.^

sometimes human can be happy easily...
although i am always sad and emo...
but at least i get a few minutes happiness when i saw this...
it feels so good to be somebody in this world....
it feels so good when there is somebody who appreciate me as a friend...=)

perhaps to most of you...
this is nothing BUT to someone that was once being forget,being ignore and being treat as something invisible....
a little care means a lot to them...

i am happy~~~ to be one of 'the choosen one' in this photo...
sandras...thanks for putting me here!
although we are not the very close type geh friends...
sorry because i can't go to your birthday party...
have to work at saturday night....=(

please don't ignore me...
please don't forget me...
if one day we lose contact...please put me somewhere in your heart...
remember that you are once important to someone...
perhaps you are still playing an important role in this someone's life...=)

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