
Saturday, December 4, 2010

trouble maker...

i am a trouble maker.
i cause troubles and problems to myself and people around me all the time because of my stupid idiotic attitude...
sorry friends and family because i always cause problems to you all and i never able to solve them myself.

i hate my life for being sooooooooooooooooo dramatic.
having a dramatic life is so not fun especially when it happen on someone that is stupid and don't know how to use language properly.
if i know how to use languages properly,i can print books about my dramatic life stories...

story time...
2 weeks ago,5 of the 6 newcomers came to banana house to place some of their stuff in before they officially moved in.
they came at night around 8pm with uncountable friends.
they came to clean up their rooms and play poker cards =.=lll

the banana house=old house.
so...there are lotsssssssssssssssssss of holes on the walls to allow fresh air enter?
or i think so...
modern houses rooms got no holes because of the things that i'm experiencing and will continue experience...

1)no privacy
2)extremely noisy
3)cause me shout like a mad dog

those people play cards until super duper hyper high.
the shouted like crazy people.
probably much more crazier than me.
because of the poor separate sound system by those partition with holes,their voices=super duper loud.
i kept on telling myself cool down,relax and so on for almost 2 hours.
kept on telling myself be patience,don't lose control but i failed as always.

i walked upstair.a girl from the room opened the door.

i said"can you all lower down your voice?"


right after i reached downstair their voices became louder!

i suddenly shouted"WUI~~~!"

then i lower down my voice saying to myself "you all don't have ears?!"

my friend that sat beside me got shocked because i suddenly shout.
those idiots at upstair suddenly keep quiet.

my friend"what are you doing?why you suddenly shout?vivien,don't like this la.we shouldn't make people hate us the 1st time we it's now 9.45pm.not even 10's ok to make noise although they are a little too loud."

me"sorry.i can't go up now and apologize to them.tell them your friend me is crazy."
friend"i really planned to do so."

then another friend of mine came down.

friend 2"what happened just now?who shouted?"


friend 2"good!i can't stand them too!if you didn't shout just now i think i might be the 1 shouting at them."


friend"friend 2 come with me.i want to go upstair and apologize"

friend 2"why?"

friend"because it's not good to make them angry on the 1st time we meet them."

friend 2 "ok..."

after my friends apologize telling them i am a bad tempered person,they laughed at my friends.
people like that don't worth apology from anyone!
one of their friend came and told us sorry because his friends were too noisy but i don't think he's sincere.

the next day,we asked them to come and have some sort of discussions about the agreement we want them to sign and tell them about the rules and regulations...

when they saw only light cooking allowed,the pink hotdog shouted cannot!
my friend deal with him.
told him ok lo if want to cook as long as you keep the kitchen clean.

then,when the pink hotdog saw the no pets rule he got mad again.
after some stupid moment,we found out the pink ah gua hotdog owned a hamster.
told them lots of times hamster=very smelly but the ah gua and his girlfriend insist hamsters got a few types.
some not smelly woor...
plus,the ah gua's girlfriend also want to buy a new hamster.
a pair with her pink ah gua hotdog boyfriend.
told them i allergic to pets but of course they ignore me.
who cares about a pathetic girl that shout like mad dog...
hate that pink hotdog's girlfriend too!
got the stupid lan si look,thinking herself very clever but very obvious she is a stupid jerk!
fine!we tolerate with them.
let them cook and have their stinky smelly pets.

then when they saw another rule written if bring visitors overnight,pay RM50 per person per night.
a few of them keep on begging saying RM50=too expensive.
my friend keep on explaining RM50 cannot be reduce because the main reason RM50 is to prevent you all bring too many visitors overnight.
but they are stubborn.

one of them said "put a limit to the number of visitors overnight and the frequency of visit.
e.g.once a month,3 times a month.sometimes our parents want to visit us."
(which i believe the parents part is a big fat lie.)

me"you all still kids ar!!!!!parents come once a month?!!!!"

him"sometimes our hometown friend want to come and visit and they don't have place to stay."

pink hot dog "the place we stay last time can have pets,can bring visitors without being charge.we pay for the rooms already wat...of course we can bring anyone we like and overnight la."

friend:"you all only pay rental for the rooms.your rooms got no toilet.visitors use toilet not ours?the living room you all stepping on not ours?the visitors need to past the living room to got to your room."

pink hotdog got angry and suddenly stand up.wanted to start a fight.
2 of his friends stopped him and shouted at him ordered him to sit down and shut up.

then,i can't remember what happened.
suddenly the 1 visitor per night=rm50 deleted from the rules.

my friends then asked the 2 girls"girls got anything to say?if you got any suggestion please speak out.don't the moment you went out keep on talking about your suggestions behind us.we won't know."
all of them keep quiet
we lost and they won yet they are still not satisfy and act as if we are bullying them!

then after me and a friend balik kampung for our study week,
they moved in.
everyday,they called my friend.ask this ask that because she's the one that layan them since the very beginning.
my friend can't stand so she gave me the phone number of those people.
i called 1 of them and things go wrong.
very very worng.
sorry friend.i shouldn't call.
i had a nasty chat with that person.
i tried to sound polite and i think i did
at the beginning of the conversation....

me:my friend said you all still got things not satisfy.may i know whats you all problem?

x:i'm looking for the backdoor key.we want to use the washing machine.

me:me and my friend are now in our hometown.there is another friend tell her and she'll open the door for you.

x:she's not in now and what do you mean by she'll open the door?why are you all not giving us the key?how are we going to use the washing machine?if anything happen,we need to safe our lives and back door is the only choice how are we going to open it?

me:you won't need the back door key.if we give you all the back door keys,we can't control the number of time you use the washing machine.

x:what do you me?you mean you don't trust us is it?

me:of course we don't trust you.we don't even know you all's impossible to trust you all.

x:before we came in you said there will be washing machine but now you lock it and don't let us use!before we come in you didn't tell us there will be agreement that we need to sign.fine we promise to sign but how come we don't get the key?!

me:=.=lll i told you,we can't give you because we don't trust you all.

x:we have promised you all!of course we can keep promise!what do you mean by you don't trust us?we promised to sign agreement!we promised we will only use washing machine once a week!are you going to be responsible if anything happen and when our life in danger we need the backdoor key?

me:you can use other way to out.if the front door catch fire you can jump down from your room through the won't die.

x:if anything happen to us how?!!!!!!!are you all going to be responsible?!!!!!!!!

me:it's yi\our own problem bout your safety.nothing to do with the backdoor.

x hung up the phone.then,x called my friend said i asked them to go die.
i said you won't die not go die la!!!!!!!STUPID IDIOT PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is it.
i cause more and more trouble to my life and people around me.
how now???
we will know tomorrow.
wish me luck.hope tomorrow we able to settle them peacefully....

p.s.i super duper need good luck.


rational=a word that cannot use on me...
why i always got emotionally disturb?????
how to prevent this????!
help me.....

Friday, December 3, 2010

can i ever shout in public again?
no...vivien,u got to change.
please please please please please change....
“We put thirty spokes together and call it a wheel; but it is on the space where there is nothing that the utility of the wheels depends. We turn clay to make a vessel; but it is on the space where there is nothing that the utility of the vessel depends. We pierce doors and windows to make a house; and it is on the space where there is nothing that the utility of the house depends. Therefore, just as we take advantage of what is, we should recognise the utility of what is not”
Lao Tze

can someone explain what this mean in simple language?
i don't understand...
the more i read the more blur i am =.=lll

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


nice right?i like sharing similarities =)
he like drawing too ^^
however,i can't draw comics and human figures =(
he can...=D
i wonder can he draw other stuff such as scenery and so on...
hope will figure out soon.he seldom post about his art work =(

i hate mee? me...

no matter what you do,
you are still sooooooooooooooooo menyampah.

i HATE you!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


whenever something is happening i feel like posting blog desperately but when i reach my laptop i turn out to be toooooooooooooo lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy to post anything that happened.

anyway,today i went back ipoh by another train company.
the cheaper but take longer time to reach 1.
the ETS is RM30.
no class difference.
the KTM intercity got 3 classes.
1st class
2nd class
economy class

i cant buy my kl to ipoh economy class because i was kinda late.
just bought ticket a day before.
it costs me rm22.
the ipoh to kl i bought right after i reach ipoh.
i got my economy class.
RM12 only.
if i am given a chance to choose,surely i'll go for ETS,the train much more newer and atmosphere better + come on time.
today 1st time take ktm's.
the train delayed 1 hour +!
wait till headache and that time i wasn't feeling well...
i feel like scolding people....
entered the train coach i sneeze.
the seats kinda smelly.
the atmosphere...
i smell cigarette..
who the hack smoking in the train!!!!!!!!!!!!idiot!
and perfume too...
all these torture me.

yet i still buy the same company's ticket.
why?because i'm poor.
i want to save money=)

p.s.yesterday i watched harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1.
not nice..
book much more better.
p.p.s.i dropped my wallet in the cinema.
good news:
i found it.the worker returned to me when i asked him did he see it.
bad news:he took RM50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
should i be glad because he returned it to me?
or should i be sad because of the rm50?
now the movie ticket that cost rm6 turn out to be rm 56...D':

back to december

this is sweet...i like =)
taylor swift-back to december do you think this song is written for taylor launter?

I'm so glad you made time to see me
How's life, tell me how's your family
I haven't seen them in a while
You've been good, busier then ever
We small talk, work and the weather
Your guard is up and I know why

'Cause the last time you saw me
Is still burned in the back of your mind
You gave me roses and I left them there to die

So this is me swallowing my pride,
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I'd go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I'd go back to December, turn around and make it all right
I'd go back to December all the time

These days I haven't been sleeping
Staying up playing back myself leaving
When your birthday passed and I didn't call
And I think about summer, all the beautiful times
I watched you laughing from the passenger side and,
Realized I loved you in the fall
And then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love and all I gave you was goodbye

So this is me swallowing my pride,
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I'd go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I'd go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I'd go back to December all the time

I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, so good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night,
The first time you ever saw me cry
Maybe this is wishful thinking
Probably mindless dreaming
If we loved again I swear I'd love you right

I'd go back in time and change it but I can't
So if the chain is on your door, I understand

But this is me swallowing my pride,
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I'd go back to December
It turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I'd go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I'd go back to December, turn around and change my own mind
I'd go back to December all the time

Friday, November 19, 2010


i was planning to post most of the things about the banana house after we settled everything.
in the end,now i am here typing something about the house too but something i don't expect will happen.
and of course..i don't know i'll post about it till this very moment....

human's life is full of surprises.
that's why our life is sooooooooooooo damn scary.

first of all,i would like to know am i a scary person?
those reading my blog please do reply because it is very important to me...
thank you.

i am a super duper triple scary person.
i scared away a roommate.
she'll be moving out tomorrow.
lots of things happened recently.
i don't feel like having the strength to type all here.
i don't feel like voicing it out because everything seems so useless.

every single bad thing that happened on me and people around me is my fault.
i always being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
i always make wrong decision at the wrong moment.

i posted before about the banana house right?
the house rental is RM1400.
upstair and downstair.
total:4 rooms.
no. of people staying: from 4 to 3 then next month will be 9.
why 4 to 3?
because of the thing i mentioned above....
i scare away a roommate.
due to desperation,we rent to a group of people.
2 rooms for same gang of people.
downstair's smaller room:2 girls (RM 420)
upstair bigger room: 4 guys (RM 680)
upstair room:1 girl[from the previous place we stayed] (RM300)
conclusion:my roommate/s and me= no need to pay rental,only pay water and electric bill
however,she still wanted to move out.

Reasons she wanted to move out:
1)got guys
2)afraid the guys will put cctv in bathroom and so on
3)me,she said staying with all of us=stress
4)me,she's scared of me (i don't blame her,i know i am scary)
5)her parents strongly disagree

others reasons that she didn't tell us but i think 99% probably are:
1)me:being crazy
a)always shout and scream whenever i am stress
b)always said weird stuff?
c)did something that will make most people shocked which i think scare her a lot
{if you all want to know what i did meet me in msn or some other private chat..can't say it here,too serious}
2)me being $$
she think that no need to pay rental or rent it out to others=crime
doing business=bad
3)all of us form different world,can't stay together
e.g.i hate pink she love pink LOL

anyway,let's wish her luck =)
hope she'll be better in new place(relative house) and will learn how to take care of herself,will eat,won't always gastric etc....

her attitude still like a kid...
quite childish...
another roommate of mine very worry about her staying alone with only 2 relatives that always busy with work.
i don't really worry about her.
not because i am cruel,bad,heartless,don't have sympathy or whatever reasons you can think of.
i don't really worry about her because i 'think' her relatives will take good care of her and most importantly i think it's time for her to grow up.
what for always turn to parents when you face problem?
she need to grow up and i think now is the time for her to grow and depend on herself.

Friday, November 12, 2010

model from cube transformation...

pictures look better than the actual thingy...
the actual model look much more uglier and stupider...

i did this stupid model since yerterday 9 something pm thinking what to make until get a stupid idea and make it.
stupid better than none =P
i make this model from 10++pm until today morning 6.45am.
sooooooooooooooooo damn tired~!
then sleep at 7am until 9am.
after breakfast then continue touch up and a little of other assignments.
i was so damn tired and my eyes can't open but not as serious as the previous sem assignments.
i still manage to look normal...
but i got a BIG pimple near my lips ='(
half masak?
soooooooooooooooooo UGLY!
yellow colour ady but can't poke it!
very pain =(
haiz.... model...does it really look like cube transformation?
macam sudah lari sikit...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010



Sunday, November 7, 2010


this is uploaded because dear jeannie mae want to see but can't go facebook...
what should i write here?
draw this for yammie's 18th birthday because i was kinda free at that moment...
and i think i didn't give her birthday present before...

i like the dog but i don't like the clothe...
i don't know how todraw =(
kinda ugly right?='(

punish me..

i am so damn lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy...
fat and lazy just like a pig..
sorry piggies...
you all are not lazy...i'm much more lazzzzzzzzzzzzzier than you all..
kick me!
beat me!
punch me!
make me wake up and stop me from being lazy.
thank you.

p.s.weird post :P ...i always punish myself yet i'm still lazy =(

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


最讨厌她不‘zhang 气’(粤语)更讨厌她每次遇到困难时都怨父母干嘛生她!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

bad luck?

the moment i stepped out the house,i saw 4 crows.
walking towards lrt station,i saw a black cat.
these=bad luck?
not sure...

1 thing for sure,i still not yet get what i want and need.
i wish we could get it as soon as possible...


i want to voice out my frustration,anger and everything here!
but then i can't because this is not the right place....

Friday, October 22, 2010

JEAN MAE~~~~~!!!!!

why you don't let people to comment on your blog??????!!!
why there's no chat box in your blog?
i want to know about the blog post title stop being evil...
what happened?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

i ruined it...

make things worse=my speciality~~~!

right...i did something stupid(as always)and i ruined a friendship.
it's normal...
i've sunk lots of friendships...
so this is just another normal ship.
what i did?
let's see...
i went to her blog and made a stupid comment...

Vivien tea said...



some friends treat you well but you don't appreciate,

you said you'll be sad when you lost certain friend but i don't believe you before.

perhaps you'll be sad when you lose someone but i know no matter how much some people care about you,you won't feel sad when you lost them.

last time.someone purposely hurt you because she wanted to investigate whether you'll be sad because of her or not but it's proven you don't need her.

don't understand why she still so silly,always go to your blog,care about you,but you never send regards to her before.

never mind...forget it...i don't think you know what i am talking about.

i guess you'll read until blur blur.

after you read just forget it.i did this just to release my feelings.

you want to scold me fiercely i also don't mind.

completely heart broken.won't have feeling.

p.s.the things i wrote got nothing to do with your post.

perhaps something...a little relationship with the word care.

Then,i saw this in her latest blog post.





when i see you~

really make me extremely disappointed

i don't want to layan you already

i already tried

but what kind of reaction you give me~

your wish la~

next time no matter what happen it got nothing to do with me anymore~

after saw what you wrote~

my last reaction was caused me said f*** in school computer lab

i think,my classmates that sat beside me heard it~

aiks~really ''ng hou yi si"

well,although she didn't said the 'you' is me but i know it's me.

i can feel it....hope my guess is correct?wrong?

not sure what i wish but i think i know she is referring to me.

i'm stupid right?suddenly go to her blog,make a stupid comment and plang~!

that's the end....



Tuesday, October 19, 2010


vivien has found a house to rent since the place she's staying now will be sell soon.
she found 1...
very strategic but only 4 people staying=expensive!!!!!!!!
and no furniture =(
electric and water bill need to pay ourselves...
now looking for more people...
want housemate so that we can cut down the cost.

p.s.i named the house banana house...

how does it feel when you are unwanted?
can it be mended?
not sure...

how does it feel when you are needed?
flying in the air?
not sure...don't really got this feeling before.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

let's put our hands together and pray...
pray for everyone that we care,
pray that all of the one we care will be healthy and live happily....

p.s.i indeed don't have religion but whenever i face problems,i turn to Christianity.
i'm not sure why.
perhaps because i've been in methodist school since 4 till 17.

Friday, October 15, 2010

eminem-not afraid lyrics

found this lyrics and song somewhere to kill my boredom.
trying to understand someone that like this singer but i failed.
i can't concentrate to understand the lyrics because of those F word...
it's like blinded me from understand a thing.
i don't get it....why so many people like to put F word in song lyrics and worst still,
lotsssssssssssssssssssss of people like songs with F word....
i guess maybe because i'm too conservative,old-fashioned bla bla bla...


I'm not afraid to take a stand
Everybody come take my hand
We'll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let you know that, you're not alone
Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road


Yeah, It's been a ride...
I guess I had to go to that place to get to this one
Now some of you might still be in that place
If you're trying to get out, just follow me
I'll get you there

(Verse 1)

You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay 'em
But you won't take this thing out these words before I say 'em
Cause ain't no way I'm let you stop me from causing mayhem
When I say 'em or do something I do it, I don't give a damn
What you think, I'm doing this for me, so fuck the world
Feed it beans, it's gassed up, if a thing's stopping me
I'mma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly
And all those who look down on me I'm tearing down your balcony
No if ands or buts don't try to ask him why or how can he
From Infinite down to the last Relapse album he's still shit'n
Whether he's on salary, paid hourly
Until he bows out or he shit's his bowels out of him
Whichever comes first, for better or worse
He's married to the game, like a fuck you for christmas
His gift is a curse, forget the earth he's got the urge
To pull his dick from the dirt and fuck the universe


I'm not afraid to take a stand
Everybody come take my hand
We'll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let you know that, you're not alone
Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road

(Verse 2)
Ok quit playin' with the scissors and shit, and cut the crap
I shouldn't have to rhyme these words in the rhythm for you to know it's a rap
You said you was king, you lied through your teeth
For that fuck your feelings, instead of getting crowned you're getting capped
And to the fans, I'll never let you down again, I'm back
I promise to never go back on that promise, in fact
Let's be honest, that last Relapse CD was "ehhhh"
Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground
Relax, I ain't going back to that now
All I'm tryna say is get back, click-clack BLAOW
Cause I ain't playin' around
There's a game called circle and I don't know how
I'm way too up to back down
But I think I'm still tryna figure this crap out
Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn't
This fucking black cloud still follow's me around
But it's time to exercise these demons
These motherfuckers are doing jumping jacks now!


I'm not afraid to take a stand
Everybody come take my hand
We'll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let you know that, you're not alone
Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road


And I just can't keep living this way
So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage
I'm standing up, Imma face my demons
I'm manning up, Imma hold my ground
I've had enough, now I'm so fed up
Time to put my life back together right now

(Verse 3)

It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me
Admittedly I probably did it subliminally for you
So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through
And don't even realise what you did, believe me you
I been through the ringer, but they can do little to the middle finger
I think I got a tear in my eye, I feel like the king of
My world, haters can make like bees with no stingers, and drop dead
No more beef flingers, no more drama from now on, I promise
To focus soley on handling my responsibility's as a father
So I solemnly swear to always treat this roof like my daughters and raise it
You couldn't lift a single shingle on it
Cause the way I feel, I'm strong enough to go to the club
Or the corner pub and lift the whole liquor counter up
Cause I'm raising the bar, I shoot for the moon
But I'm too busy gazing at stars, I feel amazing and


I'm not afraid to take a stand
Everybody come take my hand
We'll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let you know that, you're not alone
Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

a friend

i know her since form 1 through tuition centre.
not very close one but don't know why i feel responsible to guide her although i am not that good.
i used to have prejudice towards Virgo.
Why not other horoscope but virgo?
because of my dad.
forget about this.

back to this friend of mine...
she...from a broken family since she's a kid.
i don't know what age.
not the goodie goodie type and now getting worst.

i guess since last year she start going to night clubs and drink lots and lotssssssssss of beer.
now she's addicted.
always drink beer.
i think at least twice a week from my observation through her facebook recently.
i can't stand seeing so i left comment but started with something else...

蔚蔚 tea
xiu jie...
u change blog how many 100 times ady?
nvm la...
i guess it doesnt reali matter cz it's time 4 me 2 get out of your life...

Sasa II
(WAH)哇~wan say like tat meh~
i got post my blog link in fb~
i oso realised it that i have changed too much blog~~

蔚蔚 tea
i say gudbye cz i reali tink thr is no need 4 me 2 b in ur life...
plus...i hate ppl that drink beer...
2 prevent me from hating u b4 it's too late..
i guess it's time 2 go...
oso scared u might actuali influence me tink bad bout my another gud fren..
she same bufday wif u..
day,month n year bt her attitude nt same wif u la...

Sasa II

(Since you have made your decision~i don't know what to do~
your sudden~really suddenly~but i can't force you~
yes~i admit~i'm really becomind bad~although i am not prepare that you will do so.
but i can feel something.yup~
human need to step forward to complete their life the longer we live the longer backward we are.
sorry because i cause you disappointed with a friend like me.)

Desmond Wong
想起来真让我为她心痛…难道你不这样认为吗?你会否认吗?何谓朋友?朋友的“朋”有...两个月字…你有看过天上有两个月亮吗?我说到这样白你明白了吗?不用我多说咯…两个人能成为真朋友…就好像在天上找到两个月亮一样…朋友是一辈子的…真正的朋友会无条件的帮你…关心你…可以说是知己…老实说我已找到一个…我认识那么多的人只认识一位!!!其实我写这篇coment我也有损失…就是不知道我的朋友会怎样想…担这是我的肺腑之言…你觉得sasa被别人教坏了你大可拉她回来啊…!难道你们不是真心朋友…?我写我说的话可能不够动听…担我是用我的诚心来讲…我的父亲从小到大只强调我们三兄弟“真诚”…还写一张字条贴在我们兄弟的房间里…如果你不相信大可问我的哥哥…我哥叫Andrew wong…可能他现在也在看这篇coment… 担他应该给不到coment因为sasa还没add我的哥哥…告诉你我以前更加坏…只是给我的知己拉回来罢了…虽然他年龄比我大…只是我到现在还是很尊重他…这样的结局你会开心吗?你会甘心吗?我觉得你们绝交要三思啊!觉得我说的对不对,你自己想啦…这已是我第二篇写这篇coment了…第一篇我不小心按错东西洗了…我现在有点醉…因为我朋友的姐姐明天出嫁…我都要叫人家载我回的地步了…你自己用心去想吧…再见…  

(sorry for the interruption to both of you.
but i can't stand anymore.i was going to offline...even sasa angry with me for being a busybody,i still want to speak out.
to be frank,i think tea is a good friend.losing a friend like you is her lost.
sasa actually have a good other people's eyes,she a very cheerful girl that light up others!
but when you know her long enough,you'll know she's someone that get hurt easily.i guess she's now hiding and crying loudly.When i think about it,i feel sympathy...don't you feel that?you disagree?why friends then? the word 'peng' for 'peng you'(friends) got two moons...did you ever see before there is 2 moon in the sky?i say till so obvious already can you understand?i don't need to say much lo...2 person can become friend is like finding 2 moons in the sky.Friends is for a lifetime.True friends will help her friends without any 'syarat',care about them bla bla bla.
[jean,i don't feel like translating especially the part about his life and his dad and his brothers.i feel like VOMITING!sorry...]

蔚蔚 tea
amanda,i say so bcz i tink i dun hv te ability to prevent u being bad...
i mean it's kinda obvious rite?
me n u jz normal fren,nvr even once close enuf 2 hv te ability 2 help u.
n oso we dun reali hv chance 2 meet.
hw is it possible 2 pull u back?
i've tried 2 call u out a few times wheneva i come back 2 ipoh but tings jz dun work te way i plan.
it's nt like i wan 2 say 'let's fan min'..
it jz u wun come n chat wif me.
everytime i approach n start a chat 1st..
i dun like tat.
as if i am annoying u.
i tried 2 help u a few times...but..well i duno did it work.
i guess i didnt
anyway,when thr is nobody else u can tink of or u suddenly tink of me,
u can come n find me.
my get out of ur life means i wun find u 1st anymore BUT i wun ignore u if u find me.
i still care bout u =)
desmond,i noe she's a gud person n will make ppl around her hapi.
i've tried wat i can n i tink it's time 2 let go.
sumtimes human need 2 handle tings themselves.
alone without any source of's cruel 2 say so but it is true.
as i hd told her,i m jz her normal fren,i dun hv te ability 2 do te tings ur gud fren did 2 u...

then...she stop replying...
she did wrote something about the stuff i say in her blog and facebook.
how hurt she was and so on.
i feel like a jerk i feel like explaining but...
well i think if i explain things will get worst.
she will never wake up.
blinded by those friends and her own sillyness.

instead of replying her i wrote this here because she never visit my blog without me request her to do so.
seriously,we are so not close but i don't know why i care.
and i also don't know why she will sad because of what i did.
however i don't think the sadness of hers by me will last long and will able to change her unless something serious happen and i dare not imagine what.
i don't wish anything bad happen.

p.s.i don't like that guy.
he acted as if he know what's happening and say like he's bla bla bla and stuff.
also say he was once very bad and luckily his best friend pull him back,prevent him to get worst.
frankly speaking,i think his best friend did a lousy job because he still look like some jerk.

blog readers,sorry because i'm use to speak and type out what i think HARSHLY.
i'm a harsh person.if you hate this type of human,get lost.
thanks for co-operation.


Sunday, October 3, 2010


recently lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy to post blog...
feel like sharing stuff yet lazy to type.
don't know what to type.
don't know how to type....
whatever..... human really feel better after crying?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


not because of lectures but waiting.......
today went to my college at 11 something.
around 12.15pm,the person in charge send me to Eastin Hotel for The STAR newspaper scholarship ceremony thingy...
stupid right?
after sooooooooooooooooooooo long only have ceremony...
recipients should be there at 1pm.
when i reach there i was like OMG!WTH!!!!!
i was the only person that didn't wear blazer.
everyone is like men or women in black and i look like a lost kid....='(
i can't go on with the blog...
summarize it....
i stand like an idiot leaning on the wall till 2 something.
then being asked to sit and waited for ceremony to start at 2.30pm.
got 3 performance.
1 of them make me almost cry(that time my eyes full of tears but i force myself not to let them come out)
it's choir in bm+english then got a malay guy later rap in tamil then chinese...
that make me think of my school life.
i never thought i'll say this....
it make me miss mgs soooooooooooooo much because mgs always got songs in multi languages...
i miss the people and teachers in mgs ='(
who can give me a warm hug now?
i need it now....
=( i ate 2 heong beng for breakfast..then ate lunch at 4.30 after the ceremony!!!!
hungry till dizzy....
now very full...i don't think i need dinner.
if i really get hungry,gotta force myself not to eat...
i'm tooooooooooooooo fat.

Friday, September 24, 2010

soft surprise~!

this is the soft little surprise i'm talking about...
cute right?
they give people the 'wah~' feel when you see there's soooooooooooooo many of them.
hehe =)

they are actually abandon 'kids?'
perhaps they are bears with raccoon tails or maybe just raccoon having their colour mismatch...
anyway,they are still adorable right?
don't understand why grandpa's neighbour threw them away...
the neighbour was doing some cleaning up.
these were part of the unwanted stuff.
mum asked from him to give it to her and mum clean them up.
(half of them actually covered with some small animals dung)
some of them will be us =)
and most of it will go to the orphan...
all of them are being hang to kill germs...

this 1...lime sekawan gantung bersama tunggu dipancung!
(evil me laughing like mad)

sweet couple hanging together?
well,you can take is as besties hanging out together =)

watak utama for the dear author...
her Paige and Connor k-i-s-s-i-n-g~

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

hate u~!

i am a big fat lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzy,stupid,idiotic,useless,worthless,brainless pig!
I HATE U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


that's not the kind of thing i'll do because i don't like reading...
i read harry potter series and percy jackson.
i like both but prefer harry potter :)
harry potter series...
no matter how thick they are i manage finish reading without falling asleep.
weird thing is that i don't know why.
maybe because harry potter series grow up along with me.
what am i talking?
i don't know...
Oops...crazzzzzzzzzzy again :P

last Monday after watching the preview of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part I,i was kinda looking forward to it =D
i wanna watch~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!
3D if can but need to wait till november=(

because of that preview,i reread the book.
reading for the second time make me feel different.
the first time i read i feel excitement.
the second time i read (few days ago until yesterday)i feel lots of touching scene.
i almost cry (some of the part)...
i wonder will i cry when i was watching the movie.
HP&the half blood prince...
the time when i read i almost cry but while watching in cinema,i didn't cry.
maybe because i've already know the story line,
won't touch for the second time?
but by sis was sobbing...

i wish the latest one won't let me down.
hope knowing the storyline won't spoil the show =)
p.s.simone,i don't like reading didn't mean i didn't read your story...
perhaps i like reading but don't know how to choose what type of book to the end i don't want to read :P


Saturday, September 18, 2010

dumb daughter

mama brought her daughter to straighten her hair.
mama wants her daughter to look pretty.
daughter now need to keep fit to look pretty....

Friday, September 17, 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY~~~!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!

suppose to post this yesterday but forgotten...
what to say?
wish all your dreams come true,happy everyday and so on.
hope you won't mind i wish through blog a day late.

this as your birthday gift:


Sunday, September 12, 2010

days as tour guide?

i was trying to upload all the photos here but the stupid connection don't allow me to do so...
i'm kinda lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy to type and i can't really remember things that happen that 3 days.
all of us only have fun on the 1st day i think.
the other 2 days kinda boring and last day pity us.
the lrt broke down.
delayed,delayed and delayed.
we really scared can't catch up the bus.
luckily we stopped in another station and took ktm.
1st time went there.
lucky we didn't sesat.
thank god=)
hope you'll enjoy looking at these boring photos...