
Wednesday, February 10, 2010


do you know???
that act pity actually works~!

yesterday i got my salary~!
he paid me RM800 instead of RM650~~~~~~~~!
i went to take my envelope of cash $$ after other teachers took because i don't like to be the 1st...
when i take mine,he said...
"i've change ur pay,erm...hmm~this is the right one take this correct la...
no need to be so 'shen fu'..."
i was a little blur~then i smiled.
it means he pay me more???
oh~!should i open the envelope now?should i?
go home 1st...mind your manner~

when i reached home...1st thing i did was open the e
told my sis i've got RM800~!
"you see~!act pity does work~!"
"what you did?told him you went to see doctor although you didn't?"
"nope!i said nothing today~just... know...Sunday night when i was sick like mad...he saw my extremely pucat face...
on the way back,your friend that work as part time teacher told us how gooooood her life is as the youngest...
i just 'chen yit lao' said that's why i hate being the eldest...when i get my salary,i need to give some to my grandpa,,then some to my phone spoil~!haiz~~~~~!(while saying those...i was coughing madly)"
"syok la you~!no need give petrol money or anything else...can get RM800..."

i guess that's the reason he increases my salary...

or maybe....

OH NO~~~~~~~~~!HE READ MY BLOG~~~~!!!!

another reason...maybe he saw my face written "What the~~~,you mean the actual pay is RM800?!i'm going to quit!"

or maybe...the female boss helped me....

well...i don't know....
anyway,i don't really care as long as i get more $$!
haha :D

i'm mata duitan~!
hmm~~~now feel like buying contact lens because that day went out with cousin....
got influence...
reasons i wanted to buy con...
1.i look like a pig when i wear specs~!
2.i can't see things clearly without specs especially when the female boss show us the samples before she gives us assignment....
3.RM140...3 pairs of colour and got the enlarge eyes function!much more cheaper and better than the 1 i bought for grad nite... feel like having a new look during CNY and give my mum a shock since she'll be back on the 3rd or 4th day of CNY!
i'm old but still miss my mum...
mum here=no need take care sis!
no more chores!

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