
Monday, February 1, 2010

yesterday went out for a few stuff...
1st of all...
went out to eat.
then bla bla bla...not important..
after sent my youngest sis and my cousin to school my aunt and i went to greentown.
last week i've got a letter.
from PNB(Pemodalan Nasional Berhad).
scratched my head while opening it since i've got no idea about this PNB tingy~~~
found out i won a consolation prize in a drawing competition that i can't even remember i participated in...=.=lll
when i decided to take part,i thought i'll get cash...
after i get this letter only i know the prize is RM100 for consolation but need to open an account.
(Hadiah dalam bentuk Unit Amanah PNB[Amanah Saham Gemilang-Pendidikan])
don't have further information from that letter.
so...have to search online.
still blur although i've get some information from some website....
luckily i found the location of this PNB/ASBN thingy...
went there but can't open an account because my guardian that went there with me is not my mum or dad or grandparents...
get a little information about this ASG unit trustfrom the blur workers there...
they don't even know about the competition...
feel worst when i can't remember a thing about unit trust although i've study about them for two years~~~~!!!!
but only 2-3 chapters la...
i am sooooooooooooo useless....='(

later i asked my aunt to bring me to a
whatever...all the clothes there are RM25 and below.
saw it 2 weeks ago on my way going home from ipoh garden's centre.
written on a huge banner全场RM25.
now only i notice i don't know that shop's name...haha!
planned to buy new year clothes for my youngest sis there since they look good and cheap.
also planned to find some for myself but both mission failed.

those clothes very nice and cheap but so not my type...
i don't wear those mini skirts,spaghetti stripes,tube and shorts....
all so lady like...
clothes designs nice but i won't wear plus if i wear....
purposely wrote..
i mean type in chinese because i don't want some of you know what i'm saying:P

youngest sis also unable to buy because those clothes either tooooo big or tooooo small...
kids should enjoy CNY right?
should have at least 3 new clothes la..
for people like me...
gone through a lot...
CNY don't really have special meaning anymore...
not those naive angpau and new things...
not those pretty fireworks that causes pollution...
also not those mature and happy feelings because of those'mulia' reunion thingy...

just ...

oh yea...yesterday in that RM25 shop i met karen..
chat a bit because she's the one say hi 1st...
asked her something stupid...
also told her that kole is now studying in UTAR because she told me she might be going there and kole will be going too...

something else to post but forgotten because type blog halfway then went to watch video jor~~~

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