
Monday, August 31, 2009

open the door!i won't harm you all!!!

open the door!i won't harm you all!!!
can we believe you?
do you think we are going to open the door for you?!
the answer is NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a man known as my dad came to my house yesterday...
claiming that a day before 30 august was his birthday.
he came to see his daughters...
my mum did not want to let him enter the house because:
1.a drunkard cannot be trusted ALTHOUGH he said he won't harm us.
2.mum's bf was in the house.
3.her daughters did not want that man to come in!
my mum opened the door and asked my youngest sis to go out with her because his main purpose is to see the youngest girl.
that man kept on asking my mum to open the door...
asking her "what are you hiding from me?"
"why you don't let me in?"
and bla bla bla...
at last..
my mum did let him in and asked us to wake Cambridge up...asked him to go out of the house for a while but Uncle Cambridge didn't want to go out...
he continue to sleep...(pretend to sleep inside our so-call-reading room)
here is some fact:
if that drunkard did see him in the room and IF a fight occured,the drunkard is not going to win because: is more muscular than my dad
2.drunk people=weak
anyway,no fight occured because my mum hate fight...
even when me and the 15 years old sis kept on telling him the things we hate about him,my mum asked us to shut up.
maybe she don't want us to DERHAKA
and also don't want us to make him angry until caused a fight.
to be honest,he did nothing but he caused all of us scared for a few hours i guess...
i really feel like taking a knife out and 'ugut' him...
i hate to see him...
i hate myself more than ever everytime i saw him because i can't hate anyone more than myself more than a few days....
i hate to know how many of the similarities between me and him...
i got almost every bad qualities that he has and i hate to know that!
i don't like the kind of feelings of hating a person that got blood relationship with me.
i don't want to hate him.
i wish he will change but that will never happen...
he won't stop drinking beer...
i am very sure of this because i know him too well...
i hate to know so much about him...
yesterday,after he successfully entered the house,he didn't want to go out!
he kept on membebel...keep on talking rubbish!
until my drunkard uncle came to asked him out to drink or something else...
force him to get out of the house...
my mum's bf did not said or do anything...maybe because he knows that is what my mother want...
maybe he knows my mum does not want any trouble...
therefore he did nothing and maybe this is why my mum likes him...
i don'y know because i don't trust man at all...

Monday, August 24, 2009

PJCAD workshop...

c.kar yen's design..haha!

for future geh...what u think?

what you think?
i got no comment...
maybe i shouldn't take interior design course?!
no way!!!!!!!
i want!!!!
the photo below is the turn out to be...the photo above...
what you think???
weird right?

Sunday, August 23, 2009


i don't know how to balance.......
don't know how to balance everything...
i can't balance my feelings...
i can't balance my time...
i can't balance my behaviour...
and i feel like falling...
always unbalance and always fall down...
i always get hurt because i don't know how to balance.......
i hate the feeling of unbalance but i can't stop it because i don't know how...
the feeling of unbalance feel so insecure.
i can't find anything to hold on,
to support me,
to prevent me from falling.
thus,i need to fall down over and over again...

last week,i was out of control.
i can't control my feelings,
i can't control my mind,
i also can't control my tears.
my tears has been standing by to for anytime for over months,
i thought i can control them,
i thought i can prevent them from falling but i failed to do so.
last week before my mum went to china to travel,she told me she need to use our(my sisters and me)savings to buy airplane ticket to go to england and work.
we are lack of money,we...
we need to do something...
i need to do something.
i don't know what to do.
the only thing that can change our life is future.
i need to do something so that i'll get a better future for my family and myself.
i need to do something...
i like interior design but it don't seem to have promising future...
my mum want me to take something to do with business or law but i don't really like it..
and i don't think i have the talent in that things.....
i wish i can see my future.i wish i can see what is suitable for me.
i want to know because i need to know.
i really want to change my life.

when my mum was not with me,i worried a lot.
i worried all kinds of mum unhappy,H1N1,airplane accidents,tai fung and so on...
i got extremely stress and i ran to see the counselor about making choice for my future.
before i say more than 20 words,i broke down.i start crying in front of pn. najwa...
i hate that.
i hate crying...
i hate being weak...
i am not suppose to be weak but nothing around me that can make me strong.
what should i do???????????

Saturday, August 22, 2009

phychology test...........

Total points is 37!!! Others see you as sensible,cautious,careful and practical.
They see you as clever,gifted or talented but modest.Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily,but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make,and who expects the same loyalty in return.Those who REALLY get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends,but equally that it takes you a long time to get over if that trust is ever broken.

i think the down part is very true...
it's very hard for me to trust someone and when the trust is's almost impossible for me to trust that person again.
same concept for's very hard for me to hate someone but when i start hating him/her,it's not possible for me not to hate him/her.
the part what others think about me i don't know because not much people told me what they think about me....

Friday, August 21, 2009

national day and mr. wong's and pn.normaria's farewell...

i started my day with weird action and behaviour...
1st,early in the morning,i gave hand made sticker to 3 friends...
recently don't know why keep on giving people stickers...haha!-_-"'
they are kind of shocked when i asked them to give me their hand..haha!
what to do?i LOVE to do crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy stuff to release stress...

later,during merdeka celebration...i shouted a lot,scream like crazzzzzzzzzy people and sang loudly(don't know got out of tune or not..hehe..)
same release stress...
i enjoyed the peformance by 5Sc 2!quite cool although suddenly 'kak dai' haha:D
quite fei geh!haha:D nei..
i can not see her because the first round of the peformance she was blocked by someone...
i can see kole and mei foong in the front role with the punjabi/indian costume...
looked so blur!hahahahahahaha:D
mei foong...
looked like a little kindergarden girl jumping on the stage!wakakakakakaka!
she's like extremely enjoyed and didn't know what she's doing up there...
feel like being a audience is so cool and can laugh as loud as i want while seeing the peformance..
sometimes...friends don't need to participate in the same thing to feel the joy together..
being the audience,i got the opportunity to see something they cannot see and cannot feel...
of course sometimes i wish to be a part of them but now i found out that actually i still can enjoy and feel their hardwork and their feelings when they are doing something...
i can really feel it...really...
i hope they know and perhaps some day they will give me a chance to be a part of them...not only as the audience but the one that perform together...

p.s.the 1st part of their peformance...i enjoyed the part the fish suddenly come out and also the part when you all sang 月亮代表我的心..the moon that came out suddenly bengkok!haha:D
this is the 'thing' i can see and you all(those peforming) cannot see..
i also like the punjabi dance.quite enjoyed espeacially when 'kak dai' haha:D(evil leh...)

mr.wong's farewell...

i like the papaya card that i made!
i also like shouting togehter with my classmates!
i'm proud of that papaya card because from far it look much more better and attractive!^^
and all the weakness of the papaya such as dirty cannot be seen...:D
maybe a lot people think i insult teacher by drawing papaya but THAT IS NOT TRUE!
actually i made papaya card because i heard a lot of girls calling him papaya..this is a way to make him remember us for a long long time:)
and because i am kind of afraid he misunderstand,i wrote:
thank you for teaching me and sorry because i always sleep in class.SORRY!
anyway,be happy always!
p.s.teacher,i draw papaya not because i insult teacher but because i heard people calling teacher papaya...hope teacher don't mind because papaya is the best fruit in the world with a lot of nutrients just like you!:D

(kononnya...i am not very sure haha:D)

puan normaria is a good teacher too.last year she gave us extra classes so that we can do better exam.i'm kind of lazy to make card.therefore,she didn't get a card from our,the papaya card is a request from other classmates.and i think it's time for me to learn how to apprieciate teacher.

overall,i enjoyed today.the class photo that i made for school magazine all of them said nice!
only teacher not satisfy because she doesn't want her photo to be on top of the page(-_-"')

Thursday, August 20, 2009

i am emberrass...

i did something i hate...
and this is not the first time i did this in school.
I HATE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I HATE MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHY?!!!!!why i cried i school?
i can't accept this...unforgivable!!!!!

Today,my school invited 22 colleges and universities to give some kind of carrier talk.
Before that,the principal gave a short speech something that i can't remember...
the only thing i can remember is STRESS.
she said when we got stomachache a few days before exam,it's one of the symptom of stress...
i think i got that...
recently i don't know why i become like the time(form 1 June-form 3 October) when i face a lot of problems...
the time that i got stress over the limit that i can stand.
i did stupid things to 'overcome' the stress...i ran away and kept on hiding by sleeping...
i slept all the time espeacially in school.
i never pay attention in every subjects.i never think of changing until i've found HOPE.
the hope come from the care i feel from my family and my friends.
although i don't have much friends,i know they are true friends.i am very sure of that.
but don't know why this year...i can't feel the type of care that i felt last time.
they did care about me but i don't feel the same.
maybe the stress i am facing blinded me or maybe...
maybe it's going to end like the other friendship that i did experience before and i hate that very much!
i hate seeing every ship that i try to sail with sink before my fellow crew and i get to our destination.
the ships always seem getting overweight and i'll be the one being dump to the sea or being kick out of the ships.
i don't mind.i'm used to be alone,used to sail in my small little boat that can fill not much people.
perhaps someone will come in to sail along with me one day.even if the duration of us being in the same small boat is short,i'll always remember all the passengers that is willing to sail along with me.i hope you all will remember me too although i am a nobody...
maybe recently i feel down and emo because i feel like i am going to lose everything and this make me feel like there is no more hope in my life.

i also hate seeing my mother suffer,my mum is going to work in England next month because she doesn't has anymore money left to raise us mum want me to study business management either after form 5 or form 6 but i like interior design.should i follow what she wants?i don't want her to be sad yet i...
i wish 2 choose the 1 i like although i don't really believe that i can do it...
AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHAT SHALL I DO??????

Sunday, August 16, 2009

something i wrote for another friend :)

the picture is taken on her 16th birthday(last year)

well...the middle(blank part) i had put the picture of us...(the 1st picture of this post)hope she'll like it...

4th page...

ask her to 加油...(i am the porcipine!!!haha:D)

she's the bee because of her name...

the sleepzzzzzzzzzzZ habit of us but not at the same time...

i used to sleep in class when i was in form 2 and 3,form 4 stopped but now...sleep again...

haiz.....alice...if i not mistaken,she start sleeping this year...

no chance to know her much because not same class...=(

3rd page...

letting her know that i appreciate her as a best friend of mine...

4 leaves clover=lucky...i'm lucky to know her.

2nd page...
telling her something i didn't tell her before...
the 1st time i saw her before she know my existence...the kind of feeling she give me...

a sort of warm glow...a friendliness...

1st page...

with a children song as background...if she wants to play this song,she can because the music note i wrote is the real is a chinese song about bees....

i hope she will be happy with what i wrote...

actually the things i wrote is kind of weird la...


whatever la...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

mum!thanks for your love<3

well,it is something my mum buy for me to cure my sickness which got all the asthma characteristic but not asthma...-_-" haha!
this is not the 1st time my mum buy traditional medicine for me.What make me want to post this here is because of the price of this thing.It cost RM900++!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was sooooooooooooooooooooo suprise when i saw the price!A few drops of tears dripped out...
but no one saw:D
to me...i don't think it worth.i am soooooooooooooo useless!i don't think there is a need to buy expensive medicine for me...i got a little bit emotional.i keep on thinking i don't worth for such expensive medicine plus it is not 100% can cure.....
i'm afraid that my mum has wasted too much money on me.
p.s.the-so-called-traditional-medicine is actually an unborn deer that was taken out from the doe's stomach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ARGH!
after i found out...i really can't stand the dreadful moment,the moment i need to eat that powder...
i am soooooooooo CRUEL!
eat a deer than doesn't has a chance to live in this world!
but i still need to eat because i won't waste my mother's money.
i wish this thing can cure me so that i won't need to eat anything similar to this or something worst...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

you belong with me lyrics

i like this lyrics especially the part
"she wears short skirts i wear t-shirt" and
the part"she wears high heels i wear sneakers"

Lyrics to You Belong With Me :
You're on the phone with your girlfriend, She's upset
She's going off about something that you said
She doesnt get your humour like I do

I'm in the room, its a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesnt like
And she'll never know your story like I do

But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Walkin the streets with you in your worn out jeans
I cant help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on the park bench thinkin to myself
Hey isnt this easy?

And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I havent seen it in awhile, since she brought you down
You say you find I know you better than that
Hey, Whatcha doing with a girl like that?

She wears high heels, I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standin by, waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Oh I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're about to cry
I know your favorite songs and you tell me about your dreams
I think I know where you belong. I think I know it's with me.

Can't you see that I'm the one who understand you?
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me

Standing by or waiting at your back door
All this time how could you not know that
You belong with me
You belong with me

Have you ever thought just maybe
You belong with me
You belong with me

Saturday, August 8, 2009

a conversation with a friend...(incomplete n cacated post)

this is for someone who is curious to read...

u3!^!^:wei!yesterday u put u got new bike.wat bike?bicycle?motorbike?haha me=very8

kaz: hehe, it's in de pokemon game only la

i tot wat lai de...y so hapi..

kaz: 2 fat 2 ride a real bike now

u3!^!^:r u sure?

kaz: yeah la
everyone sed i'm so fat alr

u3!^!^:me sis owiz say i fat...
owiz compare me 2 te form1 n form 2 me...

kaz: i'm also same la. tell her its not fat, it's prosperous

u3!^!^:keep on ask me gam fei

kaz: well, my frenz told me 2 eat more so dey can tease me


kaz: i suppose i will...

u3!^!^: ........

u3!^!^:r u going 2 grad nite?

kaz: yeah
cant not go
frenz wud kill me


kaz: u going?

u3!^!^:r u going 2 wear DRESS?

kaz: oh well
no i guess

kaz: i'll b a teapot

u3!^!^:me worst

kaz: ?

u3!^!^:now i look very big different ma?
compare 2 form 1...
nw i m very x9999999999999999999 ugly rite?

kaz: no la
where got.
dun believe those who told u dat

u3!^!^:i m te 1 say i ugly la
my mom went us when i was 12...when she come back,i was 15
te 1st ting she told me is"y u look like tis adi!so.......not as gud looking at last time..."
kaz: so change back

u3!^!^: impossible

kaz: den b who u r

u3!^!^: my face shape oso cacat jor...

kaz:well u cant change wat u r now

u3!^!^:i m a nobody n will continue 2 b a nobody

kaz: dat doesn mean u're invisible

u3!^!^:i m.......
erm...kind of invisible

kaz: some1 will notice u

u3!^!^: ya...
a nobody

kaz: de fact dat nobody bumps in2 u means u're not


kaz: dats true

u3!^!^:well,i m te oni nobody....

kaz: no la

u3!^!^:nobody dont reali exist

kaz: u're in flesh n blood

u3!^!^:i tink so...



u3!^!^: <<<<<<<


u3!^!^:i listened sorry sorry adi...
wat so special?
wat te lyrics say geh?

kaz: youtube n watch sorry sorry mv eng sub



u3!^!^:after jean went aus..did u chat wif her?

kaz:not reli
emailed a few times b4

u3!^!^ wat geh

kaz:how is she, wat she's doing, stuff like dat

u3!^!^:wat she tell u?

kaz:she's boring in school haha

u3!^!^:everytime i asked wat she's doing,she'll say ntg specialjuz boring

kaz:like if u ask me also i'll tell u ntg special

te lyrics(sorix2)=menjijikan!yucks!but te dance is nice...

kaz:dance nice le


kaz:hehe, might dance it during grad nite

u3!^!^:u ah?!

yeah la

u3!^!^:u n ur gang going 2 dance?

kaz:if can find another 12 ppl 2 dance with me

u3!^!^:at 1st i tot dun wan 2 go cz no wan go 2 c..

kaz:since i'm dancing u must come

u3!^!^:ya..2 laugh at you
haha joking

kaz:oh gtg, mom's shouting. c ya

u3!^!^:bye i oso wan sleep le


Friday, August 7, 2009

grandma!i miss you!

yesterday and today,i went to my grandpa's house to cook.Today my sis cooked together with me.We enjoyed cooking:)
However,yesterday,i cooked alone.After i cooked,i wanted to shout to call people to eat but i suddenly realised,that time only my grandpa,a cousin bro that only eat soya sauce+rice and myself...
no point for me to shout........
Then,the past memories flowing into my head.I recall back the time when my grandma was still alive.She used to shout to call everyone to eat together.She also made sure everyone is there before we start to eat.I miss that moment.We were soooooo...a family.Everyone(uncle,aunt,cousins n so on)eat together.We also chit-chat together.Grandma always tell joke.I really enjoyed that moment.Although she always said like she cared the grandchildren of his sons more,but she still loved her daughters children.i can feel that.
Yesterday while i was eating with my grandpa,i feel like want to cry.My grandpa is a very good man.Until now,he's still menyara people(son,daughter n grandchildren).Every weekdays,i went to my grandpa house to eat.He always buy a lot of food.He loved buying.
I think he is kind of pity.Nobody really talk to him.i think he shouldn't be eating dinner alone.But luckily he got a lot of friends.He is happy with them.
My grandpa side,last time always got family problems because 2 of her daughter-in-law always want to rampas harta,want my grandpa to give his company to their husband.Now no more because one of them win already but she has to worry a lot because my grandpa's company is plastic company.Not environmental friendly...
Anyway,that got nothing to do with me...i am not going to care.I only want my grandpa to live long so that i got chance to balas jasa to him.i want a job that can earn a lot of money and do something for him.For example,take him to travel around the world.i wish i can do it.jia you!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

no boundaries-Adam Lambert

OhhSeconds hours so many days
You know what you want but how long can you wait
Every moment lasts forever
When you feel you've lost your way
What if my chances were already gone
I started believing that I could be wrong
But you gave me one good reason
To fight and never walk awaySo here I am still holding on
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is going no where
Just when you almost gave up all your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
I fought to the limit you stand on the edge
What if today is as good as it gets
Don't know where the future's headed
Nothing's gonna bring me down
Jumped every bridge
I've run every line
I risk being safe, I always knew why
I always knew why
So here I am still holding on
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is going no where
Just when you almost gave up all your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
You can go higherYou can go deeper
There are no boundaries
Above and beneath you
Break every rule cause there's nothing between you and your dreams
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is going no where
Just when you almost gave up everything
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
No boundaries
Yeah, there are no boundaries

♫FRIENDS...thanks for being my friends...

friends are humans that we will meet...
no matter true or fake,
weird or normal,
boylish or girlish,
mature or childish,
dramatic or emotionless,
cool or friendly...
i'm glad to meet you all.
thanks for talking with me and so on...
at least i once be happy at that very moment...
THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
even though maybe one day you all will forget me or lost contact...
i'll still be glad that you all once appear in my life.

usually i don't seem care about what people think about me...
but i think i care a lot.
this is a big lie that i've been telling myself for years...i guess...

3 things i won't forget about you:
(2)always tell me about dansOn
(3)danson's fan!!

Name i want to call you:

The word that best describes you:
>kind and friendly
kole:its true..u willing to be lonely so that people won't felt boring with you.

I wanna be your:
>best friend

Vivien:i want to tell you...
actually the way we become friends is kind of weird.
HAHA!because of chat about actors and singers while waiting bus...
a unique experience...hehe:D
and i guess i don't like to be lonely.
maybe is because i feel like i have to be lonely.
i know my answers are weird...haha!what to do?this is me!

3 things i won't forget about you:
(1)your wacky attitude.
(2)your pessimistic self yet you love to smile.
(3)fun to be with.

Name i want to call you:
>crazy vivi

The word that best describes you:

I wanna be your:
>good friend

Vivien:i want to tell you...
and i can't remember what is wacky...haha=D
fun to be with?not always...usually not good.haha=D

3 things i won't forget about you:
(1)a pessimist
(2)great artist
(3)very pale like hantu

Name i want to call you:

The word that best describes you:
>a talented pest

Vivien:i want to tell you...
i am now a pessimist again...
i am not a great fact,you can draw much more better than me...
i love all the cartoons you draw about simone the mushroom,cockroach and so on...
hope one day when you are free,you'll draw something about your life in australia.i m quite curious about it=D
ya.i look pale but vampire(your edward) is much more pale than me!!! haha...:P
sorry...i lost the sms you send to me...
ARGH!!!i can't post it here!!!HATE MYSELF!!!

3 things i won't forget about you:
(1)your funny look.
(3)your attitude

Name i want to call you:

The word that best describes you:

I wanna be your:

Vivien:i want to tell you...
which part of my face look funny???i am blur...
caring?i only care my family...haha!
my attitude?got a lot leh...which one?
ya.i am wicked because...I ALWAYS BULLY YOU!!haha=D

got a few people more but i don't feel like posting...
maybe later.bye!

updated on 9 Feb 2009:
3 things i won't forget about you:
(1)ur drawing

The word that best describes you:

I wanna be your:
best buddy

Vivien:i want to tell you...
i am not as independent as you think.
strong?ya.stronger than you.haha:D
best buddy?just to make me happy right?
you got a lot of buddies.i don't have the chance to become your best buddy.

3 things i won't forget about you:
(1)yr personality
(2)yr skill
(3)yr sad face

Name i want to call you:

The word that best describe you:

I wanna be your:

Vivien:i want to tell you...
my personality got a lot!which 1???
my skill?drawing skill?
my sad face...still with me...
being姐姐is part of my life.i don't mind got 1 more妹妹geh...haha:D
best妹?see 1st to be?you can't even remember my birthday leh...

3 things i won't forget about you:
(2)always draw when tuition
(3)teach n help me when we tt togather.thank you!

The word that best describes you:

I wanna be your:

Vivien:I want to tell you...
i am not that good la!
i am not cute!not sweet la!i am ugly n bitter..haha:D
i should help you 'cause we are friends.bu yao ke qi...
forever friends?not sure you can remember me or not(in future)

3 things i won't forget about you:
(1)your smile
(2)ur artistic skills
(3)da time in f2 where v read da story written by da f1 girl.

Name i wanna call you:

The word that best describes me:

$The difference of you b4 n afta u enter secondary school(purposely add on 'cause she's my primary skulmate):
u like to sleep a lot more than last time...hehe

I wanna be your:
good friend!!!

Vivien:i want to tell you...
my smile?oh i see...
me cool?ooo...
my difference...actually i wish you'll say something else beside sleeping..
friends for life!

#all the friends above i asked them this during year 2007.
The 1 below i asked this year(2009)'cause we just become friends again and i wish to know what she thinks about me...

3 things i won't forget about you:
(1)ur creativeness

Name i wanna call you:

The words that best describes you:

I wanna be your:

Vivien:i want to tell you...
i am not very creative.I only good in copying..:(
after June/July2005,i become a quiet person...
don't know because of you(1st time'fan min'with someone)
because of my father(causing a lot of problems to my family)
because my mom is not with us in Malaysia...
friend...hope we can be friend...
still not very sure will the 'ship'sink or not...

3 things i won't forget about you:
(1)your artworks
(2)your fighting skill with me
(3)our friendship

Name i want to call you:
wai wen

the word that best describes you:
very good person

i want to be your:
best buddy!kacau you forever!muahahaha!

Vivien:well...nothing is forever!muahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

3 things i won't forget about you:
(1)you really look like danson...
(2)you always like to smile
(3)you are a kind that right?

name i want to call you:
Tang Yu Zhe!!

the word that best describes me:
you are such a lovely person

i want to be your:


Vivien:i don't look like tang yu zhe la....
thanks for being a friend of mine!:D


something i wrote for my friend :)

5th page...
i like this!!!!
among all the pages shown...this is the best!
go meaning mah...haha!

4th page
a page to show her i love being with all of them...

3rd page
1st time i saw her....
she look like A STAR!!!

2nd page
actually i am telling her my past...
something that is not related to her...
hehe...sorry because i made you=_="
actually i also don't know why i wrote this...

1st page...
i like this because i used a long time to write...

actually, i crap a lot...i wrote a lot stupid stuff....
but i like the design...
at least...the things i wrote will look better!haha!
the only thing i am good at...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

21 June 2009

birthday presents........ music box from m.kar mun n y.min nie nei's message..haha:D
the bracelet is from alice n kole
although my presents not much but i really appreciate it...
they meant a lot to me.
love you least you all remember me.