
Monday, August 31, 2009

open the door!i won't harm you all!!!

open the door!i won't harm you all!!!
can we believe you?
do you think we are going to open the door for you?!
the answer is NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a man known as my dad came to my house yesterday...
claiming that a day before 30 august was his birthday.
he came to see his daughters...
my mum did not want to let him enter the house because:
1.a drunkard cannot be trusted ALTHOUGH he said he won't harm us.
2.mum's bf was in the house.
3.her daughters did not want that man to come in!
my mum opened the door and asked my youngest sis to go out with her because his main purpose is to see the youngest girl.
that man kept on asking my mum to open the door...
asking her "what are you hiding from me?"
"why you don't let me in?"
and bla bla bla...
at last..
my mum did let him in and asked us to wake Cambridge up...asked him to go out of the house for a while but Uncle Cambridge didn't want to go out...
he continue to sleep...(pretend to sleep inside our so-call-reading room)
here is some fact:
if that drunkard did see him in the room and IF a fight occured,the drunkard is not going to win because: is more muscular than my dad
2.drunk people=weak
anyway,no fight occured because my mum hate fight...
even when me and the 15 years old sis kept on telling him the things we hate about him,my mum asked us to shut up.
maybe she don't want us to DERHAKA
and also don't want us to make him angry until caused a fight.
to be honest,he did nothing but he caused all of us scared for a few hours i guess...
i really feel like taking a knife out and 'ugut' him...
i hate to see him...
i hate myself more than ever everytime i saw him because i can't hate anyone more than myself more than a few days....
i hate to know how many of the similarities between me and him...
i got almost every bad qualities that he has and i hate to know that!
i don't like the kind of feelings of hating a person that got blood relationship with me.
i don't want to hate him.
i wish he will change but that will never happen...
he won't stop drinking beer...
i am very sure of this because i know him too well...
i hate to know so much about him...
yesterday,after he successfully entered the house,he didn't want to go out!
he kept on membebel...keep on talking rubbish!
until my drunkard uncle came to asked him out to drink or something else...
force him to get out of the house...
my mum's bf did not said or do anything...maybe because he knows that is what my mother want...
maybe he knows my mum does not want any trouble...
therefore he did nothing and maybe this is why my mum likes him...
i don'y know because i don't trust man at all...

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