
Sunday, August 16, 2009

something i wrote for another friend :)

the picture is taken on her 16th birthday(last year)

well...the middle(blank part) i had put the picture of us...(the 1st picture of this post)hope she'll like it...

4th page...

ask her to 加油...(i am the porcipine!!!haha:D)

she's the bee because of her name...

the sleepzzzzzzzzzzZ habit of us but not at the same time...

i used to sleep in class when i was in form 2 and 3,form 4 stopped but now...sleep again...

haiz.....alice...if i not mistaken,she start sleeping this year...

no chance to know her much because not same class...=(

3rd page...

letting her know that i appreciate her as a best friend of mine...

4 leaves clover=lucky...i'm lucky to know her.

2nd page...
telling her something i didn't tell her before...
the 1st time i saw her before she know my existence...the kind of feeling she give me...

a sort of warm glow...a friendliness...

1st page...

with a children song as background...if she wants to play this song,she can because the music note i wrote is the real is a chinese song about bees....

i hope she will be happy with what i wrote...

actually the things i wrote is kind of weird la...


whatever la...

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