
Saturday, October 3, 2009

before grad nite...bad lucks!!!

yesterday was graduation night.
i enjoyed taking photos!!!!!!!!
1st time ever in my life i enjoy taking photos.haha=D
well,before grad nite start,i was kind of emo because i broke my colour contact lens!!!!!!
last minute went to buy the colourless one day type..=(
one of the colour contact lens borke into half due to my roughness...
half of it stuck in my eye and couldn't come out!!!
it took me half hour to take it out...
my left eye turned red.
some water came out from my eyes....
i guess...

i cried because I WASTED MY MONEY!!!!!!!
hate it!
i tried to make myself feel better.stop thinking about the bad luck...

after tuition...
i went to the saloon my aunt working at...
i told the 'CEO' of the saloon that i want my aunt to style for me...
after he told my aunt i am looking for her,she wanted me to wait...
i had to wait until other people finish only will be my turn...
a guy asked him who i am,said i'm pretty...
my aunt told him not to kacau me because i'm only 17...
i think that guy has bad taste because i am ugly!haha!=D
i met 5 MGS girls..1 chinese tomboy, 2 sc 4 chinese girls n 2 punjabi.
i was scared that i'll late but my aunt kind of fast...
she used less than an hour to style my hair and used around 20 minutes to help me make up...
she felt happy because this is the 1st time she help someone makeup.
she was very satisfy with the hair and the makeup she made for me.
when i looked at myself in the mirror,
i feel so like a girl.
i guess this is the first time i looked like a girl..haha!=D

my hair

top to toe

fake eyelashes...
i still don't think i am pretty but i looked better than the photos...
that's what my sis said...

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