
Sunday, October 25, 2009

the truth of the world....

a friend of mine found out about the strong selfishness of human being...
at last she found out...
she thinks the world is cruel...
most of them only care for themselves and the people that are important to themselves...
i told her it's normal...
humans born with sin...
born to be selfish...
when you start to see the world,
you'll decide what kind of person you want to be...
just ignore those being selfish...
i'm selfish too!
as long as don't be extremely selfish...ok?
she just=(

during a party,
she saw some people only care for their own gang...
the time they need to arrange chairs for the party,
she saw some people only form a circle for her own gang and stop arranging...
wait for others to arrange themselves although they are suppose to arrange for everyone...
then,she saw those who not so likeable one being left out...
she just asked the not so likeable one to sit with her and her gang eventhough her gang don't like the not so likeable girl...
others...just ignore pretend as if they can't see her.
she said something else...
planning to said something else about the selfishness she saw in that party but due to some circumstance...she didn't have the chance to tell me.
i wish to know more...
anyway,she conclude her feelings by saying "i wish this party don't exist."

p.s.i feel kind of weird because most of the people enjoyed the party.
perhaps she's like my past...when everyone so in the party mood,she sat alone observing others...
saw the weakness of human being and thinks the world is scary...full of bad guys...
i told her 1 thing...
you know why last time i always disturb you and try to be your friend?
because i see you as a good person...
no matter how bad you try to be,you sure failed!

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