
Monday, October 19, 2009


this few days don't know why headache...
feel like i'm thinking a lot of things that cause me headache....
but when i think again.....
i think my head is empty...
i'm thinking nothing...yet my head ache.
perhaps i drink too much coffee......

i always shout like mad dog anytime i like...
i know i'm crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy...
yet i always do that.....
my youngest sis...seriously...
i don't know what can i do to help her.
i am the eldest.
i must do something to help her.
yet..i don't know how...
i always lose my patient....
i can't control my anger...
i don't know why everytime i see her face..
i feel like scolding her...
i'm a lame sis...

this 7 years old sis get 37 marks for her bm penulisan!!!!!!!
how can this happen IF she listen to what teacher say in school?
i bet she's always chit-chatting while teacher is teaching.....
i know it's my fault for not teaching her before she face her exams...
yet i think she need to be responsible for her result....
she does not think studying is important....
in my opinion,
no matter how hard i tell her to study,
she won't take it seriously...
she need to realise this herself...
i can't do much...
i mean...
i got a friend that's not good in her studies during primary...
she was in the last class....
her parents force her to study but she rebelled...
she starts trying hard when she found out that she's the weakest in her study among all her friends....
she doesn't want to be the last among them...
she wake up and start studying....
she's no longer in the last class...
now she's in the third class...

should i wait for my sis to wake up herself?
i'm afraid it's too late...
i shouldn't give up now right?
i think i've done nothing....
i should do something to her before i give up...
i wish she has friends thats good in studies because that help a lot....
last time...when i was in my primary school...
my friends are the love study type...
i don't really love studying but at that time i like competition....
i like to win......
we always compete to see who's results better...
that help a lot....
this type of challenge will make someone improve...
even our normal homework like essays we'll compete and see who will get higher marks...
we also exchange exercise books to read each other's essays....
this help all of us improve....
now although we are not close anymore...
sometimes...we're like strangers but still i apprieciate those time...
i wish my sis will meet this kind of friends because friends play a BIG role in a person's life....
we'll easily influence by our friends....

i've decided to give her lectures before sleep everynight as bedtime story..
hope she'll understand....

p.s.just now i fell down!
my left hand(a few fingers) and my left leg hurts!!!!!!!!

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