
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

report card.....haiz~

today i get back my report card...
average percentage increase a few marks only...
other people ALL improve a lot...
i'm failure....
art class only 1 girl get straight As...
her GPK 1.++...
she got 1st...
whole form.....
i'm kind of curious what marks they get...
i want to know i lose by how many marks....
mid year whole form i got 2nd...
this time...
i got 5th...
i knew it...
i didn't study much....
my GPK is 2.70...
next step/aim...
SPM need 2 get better than forcast result...
i don't think i can do it...
the forcast result....
teachers all give As except sejarah.......
forcast result too good...
i am not that good...
i can't do it....
where can i get the confidence,the energy and the determination to do better than the forcast result?if you know how and where to get it...tell me ok?
give me some support so that i can know is support able to give me energy...

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