
Wednesday, October 7, 2009


something happened..
the stupid banana nickname case...
don't know how to start and end this story...
not going to mention...
planning to forget about it...

well...yesterday night kind of bad mood...
a little bit menyesal curi-curi online because i made someone that is kind of kecil hati angry...
at first leh...
talking about something else but don't know why linked to the banana case...:'(
i pretended to be angry because she think that i told someone that's not close with neither me nor her about her blog...
i mean...why i go and tell people that not close with me or her about her blog?
of course i'll get angry IF i am the kecil hati type...
but i'm not..
i just pretend to be angry...
later she said she angry me pulak...
apa la...why i angry become she angry geh?=_="'
later went to sleep in a bad mood..wondering will the 'history' repeat again...
if i not mistaken...
4-5 years ago because of my stupid mouth that like to simply say things,i cause a 'ship' of mine sank...
this 'ship' sank because i said something stupid and that matter is a very very very small matter...
i scared this ship will sink just like the way that ship sank...
i found that ship that sank years ago...
it's now full of holes...
everytime i saw it,i don't know what to say...
wondering is it totally my fault?
anyway,it's too late.
i can do nothing now.
i just left it there because no point fixing it alone....

another ship that i mention start to be kind of unstable....
yesterday worst...
i guess it's my stupid mouth's fault again...
i was very scared the history happen again...
i don't want this ship to sink.
too many ships of mine have sunk and can't be seen anymore...
yesterday did something to prevent the ship sank...
sms the ship so that the situation won't get worst but kind of too late:'(
after i sms this ship,i got a feeling that things won't get worst because i believe this ship is no longer the same...i modified it..haha!
this ship not that kecil hati as the previous ship...
i believe that this ship is kind of forgetful and forgiving?
well,miss ship!is the word forgiving can use on you?
anyway,this stupid event solve already...
i don't think it will get worst.
i hope nothing like this will happen again...
wish me luck! you understand what am i trying to say?the ships i it confusing?anyway,this post is only for me to understand.haha!
my trial results....
for my mom to see...
she'll visit my blog whenever she's free...
argh!i still not yet get my EA paper!
SENI-92 [very happy!1st time get 90++]
ENGLISH-87 [shocked]
MATHS-85 [shocked]
MORAL-84 [shocked and happy!from 56 to 84!!!]
ENGLISH LIT.-76 [glad because no notes also able to get 76.thanks to c.kar mun's help!]
PERDAGANGAN-69 [extremely sad!!!i usually get A for this subject!]
SCIENCE-63 [drop a lot]
SEJARAH-61 [worry because got tips also cannot manage to get a B]
EKONOMI ASAS-xx[scared!i didn't study much for this subject!]

haiz.still got gerak gempur but not yet get back EA paper...
no mood study la....
i hate myself!!!
lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy v!!!!can you please stop being lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy!!!
everyone!kick or punch me whenever you see me being lazzzzzzzzzzzzzy,ok?

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